On 4 April 2013 13:16, Florence Devouard <anthe...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Incidently... given that most people would not be willing to publicly post
> their phone number and possibly other personal information... and that a
> wiki is actually not necessarily the best place to do such a thing, has it
> ever been considered to set up something dedicated to actually host contact
> information ?

Why do we need to share individual phone numbers? I'm no longer on a
chapter board, but when I was I don't think I would have appreciated
random people I don't know from other chapters phoning me
unexpectedly. I'd much rather they either called the main chapter
phone number (which is available publicly) and left me a message or
emailed me (using the "Email this user" function on the chapter wiki)
and asked when would be a good time to call and what number they
should call me on. As with most volunteers, I have to fit my voluntary
work around the rest of my life, so phone calls aren't a good way to
initiate a conversation.

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