On 4/8/13 7:18 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
On 4 April 2013 13:16, Florence Devouard <anthe...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Incidently... given that most people would not be willing to publicly post
their phone number and possibly other personal information... and that a
wiki is actually not necessarily the best place to do such a thing, has it
ever been considered to set up something dedicated to actually host contact
information ?

Why do we need to share individual phone numbers? I'm no longer on a
chapter board, but when I was I don't think I would have appreciated
random people I don't know from other chapters phoning me
unexpectedly. I'd much rather they either called the main chapter
phone number (which is available publicly) and left me a message or
emailed me (using the "Email this user" function on the chapter wiki)
and asked when would be a good time to call and what number they
should call me on. As with most volunteers, I have to fit my voluntary
work around the rest of my life, so phone calls aren't a good way to
initiate a conversation.

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I understand your position Thomas.

But favorite mode of communication is the individual choice of each of us. We may share or not share our phone number. We have the choice. Anyone can also add a note to say he prefers not to be contacted by phone unless really necessary, or not at certain hours or certain days.

Why would you impose to others your own dislike ?

Not every chapter has a "main phone number" (often, it is the president personal phone number). Why would the president becomes a human answering machine for others ? Last, I have shared my phone number with others quite liberally. I have no memory of any abuse from fellow chapter members. When they do use the phone, it is either because it is mega super urgent, or because the topic can not be discussed by email or because the internet connexion is not working.


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