You are a "regular". I was describing unfriendly behavior of the
administrators, clerks of Commons, towards non-regulars / outsiders,
who are directed  to Commons by WMF staff to get their images removed,
only to be abused and/or blocked.

When these affected persons thereafter use the OTRS using email to get
their copy-vio images removed, these emails are not acknowledged and
not acted upon. When reminders are sent to OTRS these are ignored. So
hardly a friendly place, or even an efficient one. It seems there is
no system at Commons to give an OTRS ticket number or expected time
to resolution, after an email informally reporting infringement is received..

It is also unrealistic for WMF to suggest affected outsider persons
resolve their Commons IPR issues with volunteers on public notice

It is also strange for WMF's community advocates to publicly suggest
that WMF's legal department does not have the capacity to be the first
point  of contact for every image takedown request. Believe you me
that nobody wants to burden legal@WMF for the Common community's
unfriendliness by sending DMCA or similar notices.

WMF must implement a professional ticketed system for media takedowns,
and DMCAs must be the exception rather than the norm.


On 12/13/14, Fæ <> wrote:
> On 13 Dec 2014 16:41, "Bruentrup" <> wrote:
>> Perhaps because on Commons village pump, non-regulars, interacting
>> politely and civilly, are harassed, abused and also blocked without cause.
>> Perhaps because the discussion system at Commons is broken, and
>> participation there is oftentimes a complete waste of time.
> What you describe is nothing like the friendly project I have supported
> almost every week for the past four years.
> Fae

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