On 15-10-05 05:26 AM, Gnangarra wrote:
> I think we are stuck with Montreal and to change now isnt going address the
> problems this decision has created

I... am obviously in a delicate situation responding to this thread, and
specifically to that particular statement; but I think it's worth saying

I am *very* aware of how much effort and work (in planning, making
contacts, approaching sponsors and suppliers, building a team, etc)
preparing for a Wikimania bid is.

I, for one, am immensely grateful that you and your team (and Manilla's
just as much) chose to start such a hard endeavor for the community's
benefit!  I really wish that communications and timing had been better
so that neither of your teams ended up wasting any effort too early (no
doubt you'll be contacted for future years as both locations are
desirable and your willingness to host is now known).

I know that the steering committee contacted our team (tentatively, very
early in the year) in part because they were aware that we were already
fully set to host Wikimania in 2017 with the groundwork for our hosting
having started in 2010, and most of our preparations still usable (and,
I expect, an opportunity to hold the first Wikimania in a Francophone
location played a part).  It's clear to me the steering committee
dropped a ball in not noticing that both of your teams had started
working on bids in time to communicate with you.

That said, this kind of wasted effort is - from what I understand - the
very reason why the process needed changing.  Even if three teams bid
for 2017, two of them would necessarily have wasted the tremendous work
that goes into preparing a bid - including the credibility cost of long
talks with venue and sponsors that turn out to a miss and the morale hit
of loosing in a bidding process.  I suppose I'm a bit "glad" that the
leak occured before our team was ready to make the official announcement
because - if nothing else - this will prevent that waste to have been
even worse.

I am, of course, disapointed that *any* effort has been wasted by other
community volunteers, but I very much look forward the a future
Wikimania in either place.

I hope we'll see you in Montreal with no hard feelings - you will be
welcome here.

-- Marc-André Pelletier / Coren

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