One additional follow-up on the video-based session.

The notes are on Meta-Wiki:

Additionally, the video recording has been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. We 
edited out the unrelated parts mentioned earlier, and attempted to improve the 
audio. Thank you to Brendan in WMF Office IT for his help with this.

As Katherine said, thank you to everyone that participated, and we look forward 
to talking with folks at the IRC session later this month.


Gregory Varnum
Communications Strategist (Contractor)
Wikimedia Foundation <> <>
> On May 12, 2016, at 4:15 PM, Katherine Maher <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Thanks for the feedback, and a few thoughts:
> 1. This is the first time we've done a video office hours and we have some
> things to learn about how to produce them effectively. I'm sorry the audio
> on the YouTube recording wasn't great - we can make that a priority in the
> future. I know I also tend to speak quickly, which can be difficult for
> people who do not speak English natively, for example. This is something I
> will keep working on. We might make other tweaks to the format - for
> example, we might do a smaller room next time, or closer to the webcam.
> 2. Time stamps would definitely make it easier to skip around in the video.
> Perhaps we can work something similar out for the future. Solid suggestion.
> 3. Noted on licensing. We can see what the options are there.
> 4. BrillLyle, rest easy! We have an excellent tean here at the WMF,
> including people in both formal and informal leadership roles, from
> individual contributors to executive team members. Some of them are well
> known to community, others are strong internally in the Foundation. I hope
> community members will increasingly see these leaders engaging publicly,
> through greater participation at events and conferences, in metrics
> meetings, and on-wiki and elsewhere. On the current executive team alone, I
> believe we have more than 25 years combined experience at the WMF, which I
> expect compares favorably to past teams. I am very grateful to know many
> colleagues well through our work together over the past two years, and have
> great confidence in their skills and judgement.
> Yesterday was an experiment, and we'll do another, more traditional IRC
> office hours next week following the May metrics meeting. It should be
> different in style and speed; I'm looking forward to it. A reminder of the
> details:
> *IRC session*
> This session follows the May monthly metrics meeting
> <>. Like
> other office hours, it will be held in #Wikimedia-office
> <irc://>connect
> <> on
> <irc://>.
> Thursday, 26 May 2016 - 19:00
> <>
> -20:00 UTC
> <>
> |
> 12:00-13:00 PDT
> Cheers,
> Katherine
> On Thursday, May 12, 2016, Brill Lyle <> wrote:
>> 1. The sound quality was fine from what I saw and heard. I was on a desktop
>> computer using the Blue Jeans thing (which had the YouTube video playing)
>> and IRC chat -- and etherpad
>> 2. Session notes were done live in Wiki Markup format on the etherpad which
>> resulted in a truly great cooperative effort to list detailed minutes. It
>> allowed a super quick publish to Wiki which was ideal. I was really happy
>> to see that and hope it can be a model going forward. I would suggest
>> having a "template" of information pre-filled out to facilitate the notes
>> going forward.
>> Having a timekeeper would probably necessitate having one person designated
>> to put time-stamps on main points. I think if there's consensus then
>> cooperatively this could be done? It seems like babysteps here -- having
>> transparent, detailed notes that are quickly turned around -- might be the
>> priority over the time-stamps but this is a logical and reasonable request,
>> I agree.
>> 3. Agree on licensing default for published videos. Ideally the video
>> should be embedded on the Minutes page as a supporting resource.
>> An additional comment:
>> I'm new to both Wiki-l and learning more about the governance of WMF. I was
>> very happy with this meeting and the efforts made by Katherine to be
>> transparent and up front. However, I think this is a lot of pressure and
>> from my new perspective it is seeming to come down on one competent person.
>> I think this is a tough and somewhat problematic strategic position for any
>> one person to be in, and for any institution to rely upon. I hope that
>> there are more people who can take leadership roles at WMF who would share
>> this load. Assuming the consensus is for this approach to governance.
>> - Erika
>> *Erika Herzog*
>> Wikipedia *User:BrillLyle* <>
>> Secretary, Wikimedia NYC
>> <>
>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 8:16 AM, Fæ <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the link. Handful of quick points:
>>> 1. The sound quality is poor, to a level where I find it quite hard to
>>> work out what is being said half the time especially as the speech is
>>> quite rapid. It would be worth investing in a bit of better audio kit
>>> for these videoed discussions. If the video is being captured
>>> remotely, better results might be possible by having a local capture,
>>> at least of the audio.
>>> 2. It would be great to have a tiny index as a text note on youtube at
>>> the time of publication so that, say, on an hour+ long meeting like
>>> this it would be possible to skip around the video to when new
>>> questions are addressed. Though the session notes are useful
>>> <
>>>> ,
>>> there is no relationship to timing.
>>> 3. The video has been published on a standard youtube license. Can
>>> those that manage these videos apply a free license that would be
>>> allowed on Wikimedia Commons as a default please?
>>> As a side note, there was quite a few minutes of in-crowd banter at
>>> the start, an awkward drop-out mid-way for a couple of minutes and
>>> another award minute or two at the end where the meeting was being
>>> accidentally recorded to youtube after it ended. It might be good to
>>> edit these out of the published version considering it is a public
>>> record.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Fae
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