
El 22/08/2016 a las 08:40 p.m., Pine W escribió:

I think we need to distinguish the effort from the staff, from the capacity and accomplishments of the organization. For example, here in Cascadia, a very small number of people do quite a lot of work related to the Wikimedia mission. That does not make us a chapter. Valiant efforts by people working with limited resources are commendable, but that doesn't mean that an organization has high capacity or is highly successful.

Excuse me, but not all chapters can partner with the Guggenheim Museums, NASA or the MIT. Success is related to the resources available and you're ignoring that.

It is true that every organization's situation is different, but if we're going to distinguish chapters from user groups, we need to have a meaningful, transparent, fair, objective, and easily understood way of making that distinction. It is possible to build some flexibility into the criteria for chapter status while also meeting these other needs, as I have already discussed.
Chapters have a geographic scope different from UGs and ThOrgs. I thought that distinction was clear.

Another option would be to eliminate the distinction, and call every group a chapter. While that is possible to do, the WMF Board would want to think about that very carefully.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 10:02 AM, Carlos Colina (Maor_X) < <>> wrote:

    Hi Pine,

    You seem to forget that the effort the doctors, nurses and staff
    at a hospital either in after-the-hurricane Louisiana or war-torn
    South Sudan is way bigger than those working for a state-of-the
    art hospital in Portland, Zurich or Singapore, so you think they
    shouldn't be considered "good hospitals" or not even "hospitals"
    because they don't meet the quantitative and set on stone criteria
    you suggest?

    I find that divisive, discriminatory, patronizing, to say the
    least. Every chapter's situation is different, so being absolutely
    quantitative would be unfair and damaging to the movement and the
    efforts of many wikimedians who cannot contribute in the ideal
    conditions, yet they go the extra mile where others living in a
    paradise wouldn't do that.

    *hat on*

    Again, the idea is to collect all valuable input from the
    community to refine the criteria, so nothing is set in stone yet.
    But that's the general idea and the AffCom is there to assist as
    much as possible to those groups who wish to meet the criteria.

    Sent from my HTC

    ----- Reply message -----
    From: "Pine W" < <>>
    To: "Wikimedia Mailing List" <
    <>>, "Wikimedia Movement
    Affiliates discussion list" <
    Cc: "Wikimedia Chapters general discussions"
    < <>>
    Subject: [Affiliates] [Wikimedia-l] Changes to current chapter and
    thematic organisation criteria
    Date: Sun, Aug 21, 2016 4:20 AM

    Hi Carlos,

    As I mentioned previously, I would suggest that the criteria
    should also apply to existing chapters. If any chapter's status is
    in doubt as a result of the new criteria, then the chapter can be
    given 6 months to rise to the occasion. If chapters still do not
    meet the new criteria after that time, it seems to me that they
    should be re-classified as user groups until they re-apply for
    chapter status and are accepted by AffCom as meeting the new criteria.

    Regarding the uniformity of standards, it seems to me that there
    needs to be a common baseline throughout the world. Otherwise, the
    definition of "chapter" becomes highly subjective and is
    effectively at the discretion of the Affiliations Committee. To
    use an analogy: a hospital that is providing reasonably good care
    for its patients would be considered a good hospital whether it is
    in Louisiana or the Philippines. Likewise, a hospital that lacks
    essential supplies, has a shortage of health professionals, and
    has suffered hurricane damage to its surgery rooms, is a troubled
    hospital whether it is in Louisiana or the Philippines.

    To use another analogy, this time demonstrating the problems with
    subjective and varying standards: the criteria for high school
    diplomas in the United States vary so widely that by itself a high
    school diploma is a nearly useless credential without knowing
    which high school granted a particular diploma. It seems to me
    that we should avoid this kind of ambiguity in the Wikimedia

    While there could be a variety of ways in which a group could be
    deemed to meet the standards for a chapter, such as by saying "a
    chapter must meet four of the following six criteria" or "this
    particular requirement may be met in one or more of the following
    ways", it still seems to me that the criteria for chapter status
    should be transparent, objective (primarily quantitative), and
    easily understood by all affiliates that wish to be chapters.

    I realize that this is a complex issue, and I hope that this input
    will be included for consideration as AffCom continues to discuss
    the criteria for chapters and thematic organizations.


    El 19/08/2016 a las 06:28 p.m., Pine W escribió:

        Hi Carlos,

        In general, I like the new criteria.

        I would like to suggest making the criteria entirely
        quantitative, so that
        there is minimal subjectivity about whether or not affiliates
        are meeting
        these standards and therefore there is likely to be less
        controversy about
        the status of affiliates.

    The problem of  making the criteria entirely quantitative is that
    the context where affiliates operate is not the same across the
    world. We cannot apply a rigid, based in fixed numbers criteria
    because the situation of Estonia or The Netherlands, to give an
    example, is not the same of Venezuela, where people need to queue
    for hours just to buy a loaf of bread, if they happen to be lucky
    enough to find a bakery operating, or where scheduled 4-hour daily
    blackouts are the norm across the country except for the capital.

    If all affiliates operated in the same conditions, that would be
    another story.

    El logotipo y el nombre de Wikimedia, Wikimedia Venezuela
    <>, Wikipedia,
    Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia Incubator, Wiktionary y otros
    proyectos relacionados
    <> son marcas
    registradas usadas bajo permiso expreso de su titular, la
    Fundación Wikimedia, Inc. <>,
    una organización sin fines de lucro. Otros nombres y marcas
    pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios.

    Asociación Civil Wikimedia Venezuela (Wikimedia Venezuela) | RIF.:
    J-40129321-2 | Los Teques, Estado Miranda. Venezuela

    Affiliates mailing list <>

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"*Jülüjain wane mmakat* ein kapülain tü alijunakalirua jee wayuukanairua junain ekerolaa alümüin supüshuwayale etijaanaka. Ayatashi waya junain."
Carlos M. Colina
Socio, A.C. Wikimedia Venezuela | RIF J-40129321-2 | <>
Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Affiliations Committee
Phone: +972-52-4869915
Twitter: @maor_x

El logotipo y el nombre de Wikimedia, Wikimedia Venezuela, Wikipedia, Wikimedia 
Commons, Wikimedia Incubator, Wiktionary y otros proyectos relacionados son 
marcas registradas usadas bajo permiso expreso de su titular, la Fundación 
Wikimedia, Inc., una organización sin fines de lucro. Otros nombres y marcas 
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