I'm making some general comments, which I plan will be my last in this
thread for awhile:

* I think that a certain amount of compliance verification for WMF
trademark agreements and affiliate agreements is understandable, and AffCom
is one body that can participate in that verification.

* WMF's purpose, as I see it, is to support good-faith content contributors
on Wikimedia sites and the use of the content that they contribute to those
sites. WMF's purpose does not extend to micro-managing affiliates or
attempting to resolve every internal affiliate dispute with the time of WMF
staff and AffCom volunteers. It would be best for WMF and AffCom to be
modest in their involvement in affiliates' internal governance. I generally
think that WMF's job should be to support the affiliates rather than to
manage them.

* I think that it will be difficult for anyone who sits on AffCom, even
with the best of intentions and infinite time, to insert themselves
competently into a dispute that is internal to an affiliate, especially an
affiliate in a culture that is not their own and in which the AffCom member
does not communicate in the same language as the members of the affiliate.
It seems to me that internal disputes are best handled by the affiliate's
own board members, members of affiliates' general assemblies, and
applicable government officials like national charity regulators. The
extent of the involvement of WMF and AffCom is, I think, best limited to
(1) verifying that decisions that an affiliate makes are compliant with
affiliate, grant, trademark, and other agreements with WMF, including
verifying that funds that were already granted or donated to the affiliate
are used in a manner that is generally compatible with the purposes of
those grants and donations, and (2) taking steps to prevent funds that were
donated to WMF from being imprudently spent on legal expenses on behalf of
an affiliate, affiliate staff, or any parties to an internal affiliate
dispute. While a certain amount of affiliate legal representation may be
reasonable for WMF to fund, there is a point at which I think that WMF
should cut off funding for continuation of an affiliate's dispute with
another party, and if the result of that loss of funds is the loss of an
affiliate organization then that is unfortunate but it may be the least bad

* In general, I would encourage WMF and AffCom to avoid becoming parties to
an internal dispute in an affiliate. I am concerned about the possibility
that certain kinds of involvement could create a legal and financial
liability to WMF and to the AffCom volunteers, and also about the
possibilities of WMF and AffCom being manipulated as political tools in
internal affiliate disputes.

* If and when AffCom and/or WMF choose to get involved in an internal
affiliate dispute, my guess is that attempting to gather evidence "on the
ground" with appropriately licensed and credentialed investigators, such as
attorneys or accountants who practice in the jurisdiction of the affiliate,
is likely to produce a generally reliable set of evidence on which AffCom
and WMF could base decisions. Attempting to gather reliable evidence
remotely seems likely to be difficult, and deciding to intervene based on
unreliable evidence is risky.

* Cross-affiliate disputes are a place where I think that AffCom's
involvement would be beneficial, particularly with regard to taking
measures to limit the possibility of disputes from occurring.

* I hope that the composition and charter of AffCom will be reviewed during
the WMF strategy process, particularly with regards to transparency, with
regards to what AffCom's role should be in the event of various kinds of
affiliate disputes, and with regards to how AffCom members are appointed
and re-appointed.

* Because of the complex and international nature of the matters in which
AffCom seems to be involved, I think that requiring formal onboarding and
ongoing training for AffCom members on relevant subjects would be a good
idea, and I would likely be in favor of WMF spending a modest amount of
funding for that training.

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