IP block exemption is already automatically granted to admins, at least on the 
English Wikipedia; it’s rarely needed enough that further automatic exemption 
doesn’t really make sense. VPNs, typically costing money, aren’t an accessible 
workaround, anyways. Let’s redirect attention back to getting Commons unblocked.

I dream of horses

> On Mar 19, 2024, at 2:40 PM, Alessandro Marchetti via Wikimedia-l 
> <wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:
> It's intriguing (to me) to contemplate how the notion of restricting IP 
> editing in specific circumstances is often viewed as a violation of 
> principle, even when supported by examples or data, yet a restriction like 
> requiring long-standing users to jump through hoops just to use a VPN for 
> privacy—something standard nowadays—is considered necessary and acceptable. 
> Both policies aim to address issues while weighing the pros and cons and 
> inevitably curbing some degree of freedom. 
> Personally, I question the efficiency of the VPN restriction. I hold a 
> different perspective: implementing a one or two-year, 100-500-edit 
> registration threshold for automatic exemption of registered users seems 
> reasonable.
> Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that nothing is inherently 
> necessary; these are always political and not technical choices. 
> It's not just vandals ruining it; it's also the approach taken. By granting 
> trolls immense power to disrupt everyone's activities, you fuel their 
> mischief. Thus, every time these extreme measures are enforced and 
> standardized, they inevitably lead to wasted time and endless debates about 
> the status quo, and regular users pay a price. Not hypothetically, for 
> real.... we know. Whoever prioritizes the pursuit of trolls and vandals over 
> the work of regular users, de facto feeds the troll. 
> It's important to clarify: as seasoned users, many of us have kinda learned 
> to navigate this "mess" and endure it... similar issues have been grappled 
> with for years, Commons management shows little sign of improvement and we 
> just don't care anymore.
> However, for those who haven't mastered it or are stuck in some nationwide 
> quagmire as this one, suggesting VPNs as a solution is impractical—unless you 
> anticipate tens of thousands of users from a country with millions of 
> inhabitants to individually request IP exemptions. It's evident that the log 
> of such a system would not be sustainable.
> I remain skeptical that an alternative solution will be implemented, given 
> the likelihood that the approach will mirror that of the VPN case or other 
> instances—utilizing massive and/or indefinite self-referential strict 
> measures that are seldom evaluated on the long term with some metrics.  
> Il martedì 19 marzo 2024 alle ore 20:24:15 CET, Neurodivergent Netizen 
> <idoh.idreamofhor...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
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> Unfortunately, there’s a history of an overwhelming amount of  vandals using 
> VPNs to, well, vandalize Wikipedia, hence the block on known VPN and the 
> bureaucracy surrounding them. If the block is removed, it’ll quite likely 
> become a problem again. It really is a situation of people behaving poorly 
> ruining it for everyone.
> From,
> I dream of horses
> She/her
>> On Mar 19, 2024, at 12:17 PM, Alessandro Marchetti via Wikimedia-l 
>> <wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> That doesn't seem logical or fair. If a user is registered and not already 
>> blocked, the IPs they are using shouldn't matter at all.
>> Personally, I've never used a VPN before I got it this way (even living in 
>> the PRC), but I understand that some people might need to do so for privacy 
>> reasons. So, this restriction should be removed. Registered users should 
>> have the freedom to access the platform how they want. If there's an issue 
>> with a specific user, it's more appropriate to block their username rather 
>> than restricting their access when logged in based on IP addresses. Adding 
>> more bureaucracy isn't the solution if there isn't a problem to begin with.
>> In any case, nothing will probably change. But please don't say that VPN is 
>> a solution. People have already enough problems that adding more and more 
>> passages. 
>> Il martedì 19 marzo 2024 alle ore 19:51:42 CET, Neurodivergent Netizen 
>> <idoh.idreamofhor...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> A few years ago, I acquired a VPN as part of an antivirus package. However, 
>>> when I tried to use it for other services, I encountered an unexpected 
>>> issue switching on wiki platforms: despite being there as a registered 
>>> user, I found myself unable to edit them.
>>> So how can VPN be a solution?
>> Right, you would’ve had to use IP block exemption, which would require some 
>> level of trust from the community that you aren’t a vandal or other blocked 
>> user trying to circumspect said block.
>> From,
>> I dream of horses
>> She/her
>>> On Mar 19, 2024, at 11:23 AM, Alessandro Marchetti via Wikimedia-l 
>>> <wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>> Why is there so much discussion about using VPNs as a solution? A few years 
>>> ago, I acquired a VPN as part of an antivirus package. However, when I 
>>> tried to use it for other services, I encountered an unexpected issue 
>>> switching on wiki platforms: despite being there as a registered user, I 
>>> found myself unable to edit them.
>>> So how can VPN be a solution? 
>>> A. 
>>> Il martedì 19 marzo 2024 alle ore 18:17:52 CET, Saqib Qayyum 
>>> <saqibqayy...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> Hello Mr James
>>> Certainly, using a VPN is a workaround, but it's worth noting that 
>>> obtaining an IP block exemption is still necessary to edit Commons, and 
>>> this is not always feasible for all users. Many may not even be aware of 
>>> its existence. For instance, I couldn't edit Commons since October 2020 
>>> until I discovered the option for IP ban exemption. . 
>>> And because of this, contributions to Commons from Pakistan have 
>>> significantly dwindled. For instance, I recall organizing Wiki Loves 
>>> Monuments Pakistan from 2014, where we used to receive thousands of images 
>>> annually. However, in recent years, the number of uploads has drastically 
>>> declined, with only a maximum of 100 photos being uploaded each year. This 
>>> trend underscores the challenges Pakistani users face in accessing and 
>>> contributing to the site.
>>> --
>>> Saqib Qayyum
>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 9:55 PM James Heilman <jmh...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:jmh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Can you not just use a VPN?
>>> James
>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 9:29 PM Saqib Qayyum <saqibqayy...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:saqibqayy...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> I am writing to you as a concerned volunteer from Pakistan regarding a 
>>> critical issue that has been persisting for several years now. Despite 
>>> multiple attempts to communicate this matter to members of the WMF's 
>>> communication team, there has been a disappointing lack of response or 
>>> acknowledgment.
>>> For the past several years, Commons has been blocked in Pakistan. While 
>>> Wikipedia was briefly blocked last year, the swift response from both 
>>> Pakistani and international news media led to its unblocking. However, the 
>>> blockade of Commons, being a less prominent site in comparison, has gone 
>>> largely unnoticed.
>>> Furthermore, several journalists I have spoken to have also expressed 
>>> frustration over their attempts to reach out to WMF staff regarding this 
>>> issue, only to receive no response.
>>> I urge the WMF to prioritize this matter and take immediate action to 
>>> address the ongoing blockage of Commons in Pakistan. 
>>> Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. 
>>> --
>>> Saqib Qayyum
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Saqib
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>>> James Heilman
>>> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
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