Хотел спросить про независимость 2008 года, пока не дочитал до твоего
постскриптума. Собственно, это всё, что нужно знать о Западе, с которым
приходится выстраивать отношения.

вт, 30 апр. 2019 г., 21:57 Фархад Фаткуллин / Farhad Fatkullin via
Wikimedia-RU <wikimedia-ru@lists.wikimedia.org>:

> Отдельные коллеги из англоязычного мира высказали опасение, что включение
> ознакомления с работой в проектах Викимедиа во внеклассную работу по
> татарскому языку в Татарстане, лишь недавно  (в 2008 году) получившем свою
> независимость от России, может однажды привести к тому, что "Официальный
> Татарстан" сможет начать продвигать свою точку зрения на чувствительные
> политические вопросы как в татароязычном, так и в русскоязычном разделах
> Википедии, что может привести к напряжению и так вероятно острой
> межэтнической ситуации в регионе.
> Началось всё со странного завуалированного опасения в публичном ответе
> одной из англоязычных коллег на моё письмо в рассылку wikimedia-l про то,
> что Президент Татарстана распорядился о важности изучения возможности
> использования проектов Викимедиа в образовании. Сначала уточнил вопрос в
> личной переписке. взял недельный тайм-аут на обдумывание (т.к. работал),
> публично ответил только сегодня, вынеся в отдельную тему "Smart
> partnerships with strong external stakeholders a way forward? / Умные
> партнёрства с сильными внешними стейкхолдерами: дорога вперёд?" Зашёл
> издалека и с намерением поднять более серьёзные вопросы в долгосрочной
> перспективе.
> В выходные вёл переписку с сотрудником Фонда Викимедиа Асафом Бартовым на
> предмет того, как волонтёрам и объединениям Движения Викимедиа лучше
> поддерживать "Викимедийцев Года" в рамках реализации проектов, что могут
> быть полезными для сообщества той или иной страны, культуры или языка. До
> стокгольмской Викимании 2019 остаётся 3 с небольшим месяца, надеятся
> повторить случайный успех в Татарстане и думают над системными мерами
> помощи тем, кому судьба оказаться следующими.
> Тимерхан сообщил, что публичного вручения сертификатов участникам
> статейного конкурса "Татар 4.0" в рамках ежегодной акции Всемирного форума
> татарской молодёжи "Я говорю по-татарски" не предусмотрено. Сертификаты и
> дипломы (победителям) будут рассылаться, обещал в ближайшее время
> подготовить проект трёхъязычного документа, вручаемого от имени Всемирного
> форума татарской молодёжи, Викимедиа РУ и татароязычной юзер-группы. В моих
> планах здесь завершить описание всех вынесенных уроков на русском языке
> (подготовка участников и членов жюри, планирование задач и времени
> организаторов на поддержку, и т.д.)
> https://ru.wikimedia.org/wiki/Умный_регион/Многоязычие/Татарский/Татар_4.0
> С уважением,
> фархад
> -------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
> 30.04.2019, 20:30, "Фархад Фаткуллин / Farhad Fatkullin" <f...@yandex.com
> >:
> Dear colleagues,
> This thread is the consequence of my thinking over Jennifer's concerns [1]
> to what I've seen as a routine progress report on Wikimedia Education
> Program Russia, which she later kindly deciphered to me off the list (see
> below for original).
> We periodically see signs of various individuals or interest groups using
> Wikipedia to their advantage on a limited scale, so Jennifer is rightly
> pondering on how should Wikimedians develop relationships with strong
> partners theoretically capable of abusing our supposedly neutral projects:
> governments, businesses, NGOs, various religious & ideological groups, etc.
> Wikimedia communities want to welcome new active users in large numbers,
> so we are to follow the principle of good intentions, trust them and help
> them to learn how to operate onwiki. At the same time, can we feel
> comfortable that we can prevent the loss of control over what's going on in
> our projects or being fully overtaken by some outside party interested to
> push its own agenda using Wikimedia platforms?
> I believe we have all means for this. I am also confident that to advance
> towards the world of Wikimedia movement vision [2] & Wikipedia purpose,[3]
> we need to make sure that every human being feels welcome on our projects &
> interested in their sustainable growth.
> Before we start similar 360 degree stakeholder engagement initiatives
> within 6 official UN languages, those of G20 and maybe even any primary
> language of a sovereign UN member, my guess is we might want to test such
> initiatives in a less tense setting, working closely with government &
> publicly-funded institutions, private sector, non-profits or individuals in
> an environment with less interference from political, ideological or
> commercial interests. Best candidates are probably mid-sized projects in
> the language of some non-sovereign ethnic nation that represent little to
> no interest for whatever outside organized party to gain control of.
> In the Russian Federation, we are currently in the process of such an
> experiment around Wikipedia & other Wikimedia projects in Tatar, which I
> happen to speak by birth within this language community. When starting on
> this path in the fall of 2018, I was comforted to learn about "Kumusha
> takes Wiki" initiative, that was implemented in 2013-2014 in
> French-speaking Cote d'Ivoire and English-speaking Uganda with the support
> of by Orange Foundation & presented during WikiIndaba 2014.[4]
> As a member of Wikimedia Russia, I am documenting our steps in WMRU-wiki
> both in the regional [5] as well as in the linguistic development aspects,
> [6] periodically sharing progress reports with the wider public via
> [wikimedia-ru] list,[7] Wikimedia Community Languages of Russia on Facebook
> [8] & Russian Wikinews, for my colleagues from other regions of Russia with
> strong regional languages & other members of the community to be able to
> apply whatever we learn, if they find it appropriate for their
> socio-economic environments.[9]
> The working hypothesis is that giving all speakers of Tatar or whatever
> other language the feeling of collective ownership of respective language
> Wikimedia projects should be a safe way forward. Our progress reports are
> almost exclusively in Russian, which is the best medium of communication in
> my case: I am currently working on this almost alone, whilst local
> stakeholders reasonably expecting to see some track-record, proofs and
> other explanatory materials before getting onboard at every step of the
> way. Tatar is not dominant language even within the region with high
> concentration of Tatar speakers, whilst the share of English speakers in
> Russia is @ 5%, even less in case of Tatarstan.
> Tatar is a language spoken mainly by an eponymous defacto stateless ethnic
> group of over 5 million people living predominantly inside the Russian
> Federation (second in number after ethnic Russians). It has a second
> official language status within the Republic of Tatarstan (a region-subject
> of the Russian state since 1552, home to about 1/3 of Tatars, amounting
> here to slightly over 50%), where Russian is clearly dominant in politics,
> economics, education, social life, etc. even among Tatars themselves. With
> its current 85000 articles & under 100 active participants a month Tatar
> Wikipedia seems a good fit - it's in Top-10 websites in respective language
> (including groups in Facebook & VK social networks) thanks to being part of
> Wikimedia constellation.
> We seem to be in ideal circumstances to pilot this with least consequences
> for Wikimedia movement, as WMF is neither fundraising in Russia (no grant
> money this way), nor allowing local affiliates to place fundraising
> banners/links in respective language Wikipedias & other Wikimedia projects
> over the geographic territory of Russia. At the same time, we received a
> blessing of a respected Senior elder, retired Ex-President of Tatarstan,
> having the title of UNESCO Special Envoy for Intercultural Dialogue,[10]
> whilst Wikimedians from other projects in the languages of Russia called on
> Tatar community to make it successful to scale it throughout the
> country.[11]
> Going forward, I would suspect Tatarstan goverment that shows its interest
> to make Wikimedia Education Program part of Tatar language curriculum or
> extracurricular activities might eventually want to sign an MOU or a
> similar document with the Wikimedia Foundation and/or local affiliates
> (just like Mexican ministry of Culture, Government of the Indian State of
> Maharashtra, Italian Ministry of Education or Nigerian Tourism Development
> Board, to mention just a few cases I have personally read about). We don't
> see this happening in the English-speaking part of Wikimedia world,
> probably for cultural reasons, but everywhere else it seems to be a natural
> step in formalizing partnerships relations. All Tatars are at least
> bilingual and bi-cultural, so tolerance levels for differing points of view
> are generally quite high  edit wars around ethnic, civil & other identity
> related topics rare.
> regards,
> farhad
> P.S. Jennifer, Republic of Tatarstan was never an independent state & 2008
> independence you mention is likely to be confusion with the Republic of
> Abkhazia or the Republic of Southern Osetia that gained their independence
> from the Republic of Georgia. Landlocked inside Russia, Tatarstan claimed
> its limited sovereignty at the collapse of Soviet Union (as it was unable
> to become the 16th Republic of USSR due to the dissolution thereof), at the
> same time showing it's intent to clearly stay associated with the nascent
> Russian Federation. Respective association documents were signed in 1994,
> some 14 years before the event you mention. We have Russian passports,
> serving in the Russian military, our athletes competing for the national
> teams.  First President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev & First President of
> the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin were friends & colleagues since Soviet
> Union times, growing through the ranks in parallel, having shared many
> meals together over the decades in power.
> [1]
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2019-April/092265.html
> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Vision
> [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Purpose
> [4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kumusha_Takes_Wiki/en
> [5] https://ru.wikimedia.org/wiki/Smart_region/Tatarstan
> [6] https://ru.wikimedia.org/wiki/Smart_region/Multilingualism/Tatar
> [7] https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-ru/
> [8] https://www.facebook.com/groups/1942496925980407/
> [9]
> https://ru.wikimedia.org/wiki/Умный_регион/Направления/Региональное_многоязычие
> [10]
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2018-October/091151.html
> [11]
> https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/Комментарии:Минтимер_Шаймиев_встретился_с_татароязычными_викимедистами
> --
> Farhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин http://sikzn.ru/ Тел.+79274158066 /
> skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan / Wikidata:Q34036417
> 23.04.2019, 21:33, "Jennifer Pryor-Summers" <
> jennifer.pryorsumm...@gmail.com>:
> >  Farhad
> >
> >  When a government adds contributing to Wikipedia to its national
> curriculum, especially if it involves spending public time and money, it is
> likely to expect that both the pre-existing material and the additional
> controbutions to reflect the requirements of that national curriculum,
> which in turn are likely to reflect the national values and spcific
> positions.  For example, Tatastan has claimed independence from Russia as
> recently as 2008.  Can we be sure that the Tatar-language and
> Russian-language Wikipedia entries will be independent of any official
> position on this and other sensitive questions of national importance?
> >
> >  JPS
> >
> >  On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 8:02 AM Фархад Фаткуллин / Farhad Fatkullin <
> f...@yandex.com> wrote:
> >>  Dear Jennifer,
> >>
> >>  I feel you have put more thought into your question than I can grasp
> right away.
> >>
> >>  Please give me more context and some examples to help me understand
> whatever might be of possible concern in this piece of Wikimedia Education
> Program Russia related progress news.
> >>
> >>  I would prefer to respond in full without causing back & forth
> ping-pong.
> >>
> >>  Thank you in advance,
> >>  farhad
> >>
> >>  --
> >>  Sent from Yandex.Mail for mobile
> >>
> >>  20:15, April 22, 2019, "Jennifer Pryor-Summers" <
> jennifer.pryorsumm...@gmail.com>:
> >>>  Farhad
> >>>
> >>>  I assume that under this arrangement, the editorial independence of
> the
> >>>  contributors and content will remain inviolable?
> >>>
> >>>  JPS
> >>>
> >>>  On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 5:22 PM Фархад Фаткуллин / Farhad Fatkullin <
> >>>  f...@yandex.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>   Regional department of education (elementary & secondary education)
> &
> >>>>   Kazan Federal University today received instructions signed by the
> >>>>   President of Tatarstan on integrating Wikimedia Education Program
> >>>>   opportunities into the curricula of educational establishments of
> the
> >>>>   Republic. I was asked for some guidance on the topic before
> tonight, so
> >>>>   prepared what I could in Russian
> >>>>
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-ru/2019-April/005086.html
> >>>>   We are in the country with a centralized education system culture,
> so
> >>>>   project owner will be the ministry, with Wikimedians serving as
> >>>>   stakeholders, consultants & guides.
> >>>>
> >>>>   On March 1st we fielded 2 speakers for EDU RUSSIA 2019 conference
> >>>>
> >>>>
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CEE/Newsletter/February_2019/Contents/Russia_report#Wikimedia_movement,_Wikimedia_RU_&_WUG_TAT_activities_presented_at_%C2%ABEDU_RUSSIA_2019%C2%BB_Forum
> >>>>
> >>>>   On April 11-12 our Bashkir colleagues (WUG BAK) were invited to
> speak @
> >>>>   their regional teachers' conference (photoes & report in Russian -
> >>>>   https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/?curid=221169 ) & their regional
> deputy
> >>>>   minister recalled our speakers in Kazan
> >>>>
> >>>>   Right now our judges are checking some 200 pre-qualified ttWP
> articles
> >>>>   created by 67 previously untrained school teams in the framework of
> Tatar
> >>>>   4.0 contest. Prizes provided by local partner, introduction to the
> contest
> >>>>   video, Messenger support, participant & article tagging,
> prequalification &
> >>>>   assessing on volunteering time. 10 best teams to be publicly
> awarded at
> >>>>   Ğabdulla Tuqay memorial event downtown Kazan on April 26.
> >>>>   Contest in Tatar - https://tt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Проект:Татар_4.0
> >>>>   Lessons learnt in Russian -
> >>>>
> https://ru.wikimedia.org/wiki/Умный_регион/Многоязычие/Татарский/Татар_4.0
> >>>>
> >>>>   This all follows our February presentation
> >>>>
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CEE/Newsletter/February_2019/Contents/Russia_report#Tatarstan_pilot_of_%C2%ABSmart_Region%C2%BB_initiative_presented_to_the_Russian_Federation_Deputy_Prime-Minister
> >>>>
> >>>>   regards,
> >>>>   farhad
> >>>>
> >>>>   --
> >>>>   Farhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин http://sikzn.ru/
> Тел.+79274158066 /
> >>>>   skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan / Wikidata:Q34036417
> >>>>
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> Wikimedia-RU@lists.wikimedia.org
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