Hi all,

Some news: on Sunday I resigned as president of Wikimedia Australia.
The ctte accepted my resignation and as per our Rules, appointed one
of the committee members to the office, who will serve until the next

I guess this news may come as a shock or it may not. It's something
I've been thinking about for quite a while and not something that I
decided lightly or in haste. If anything, I probably decided too

There's no bad blood with any of the ctte members, and it's not about
anything that has happened in Wikimedia land. Rather, it's about what
goes on in Brianna land (aka "personal reasons"), and whether or not I
can do any useful work in the role. I don't feel able to any more, and
I think my standing aside will be a good catalyst for the chapter to
get visibly moving again.

I'm sorry to let you down by not fulfilling my term with full efforts.
Sometimes reality does not quite stretch far enough to meet the
dreams. And being on a committee like ours ("distributed" you might
say) requires a lot of stretching.
The committee members have been very supportive of me while I was in
the role, and in my decision now as well. It actually gives me great
peace of mind to know that I am leaving the chapter in such good
hands. They are all very capable and have great ideas, and want to
support members, and if members are able to support them back, I know
awesome things will happen.

I am not sure how involved in Wikimedia things I will be in the
future. Chapter business has been my main Wikimedia business for a
while now. I hope to take a bit of breathing space and then see how
things go. Having said that, I am booked up to go to Wikimania in
July. :)

Yours in boldness,

Brianna Laugher
no longer
WMAU President.

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