For SVG translation, use this tool:

My suggestion would be, let the respective language community do the
translation. Transliteration may not work work all the time.

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Naveen Francis <> wrote:

> Hi
> I have done a plain google transliteration for India and Kerala maps to
> hi,kn,sa which is created by Rajesh Odayanchal(
> using a tool
> This maps were created as a part of Malayalam mapping project.
> If it needs some correction; can you please help ?
> Thanks,
> Naveen Francis
> On 15 June 2011 16:30, Vickram Crishna <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Gautam John <>wrote:
>>> On 15 June 2011 03:38, Vickram Crishna <> wrote:
>>> > In this light, the copyright disclaimer on the Census webpage seems
>>> > completely invalid.
>>> Vickram - good catch but even the lack of a copyright notice does not,
>>> per se, mean there is no copyright. Copyright is presumed to be
>>> granted the moment it has been created.
>> Of course, and I am completely in agreement with the sentiments of the
>> commons group, who evidently do not want to see Wikipedia get caught up in a
>> series of fruitless litigations across the world.
>> I was drawing the attention of the list to the fact that the government
>> people, who claim copyright for everything the government publishes, despite
>> the fact that some of it is commons, are also ether slipshod in the manner
>> in which they claim the copyright, or being forthright about the fact that
>> some of it, possibly the data itself, is not intended to be copyrighted.
>> Now, the disclaimer wording brought to our attention by Abhilash also
>> mentions that not everything in the site is copyright, one must look at
>> individual listings within in order to see if copyright is claimed therein.
>> Naveen would do well to check that the information he wants to scrape in
>> order to create his maps is specifically copyrighted, as otherwise it is
>> clearly free-to-use, and the copyright disclaimer is very specific about
>> this freedom.
>> --
>> Vickram
>> Fool On The Hill <>
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> --
> Naveen Francis
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