> It was a pilot and hence I guess was meant to die at some point.
> First up, to the Campus Ambassadors, you guys showed a lot of courage in
> taking up and then following through on your commitment of being Campus
> Ambassadors through the length of this Pilot. I hope the team will also
> speak to the  Ambassadors whilst doing the post-mortem so future programs
> have the benefit of their "experience". The same also goes to the India
> Programs team that initiated this project.

Thanks to all of you, yes this was a Pilot, but at no point I see it dying.
 Its just that we have taken a pause right now to learn from the findings
and ll come back all prepared and with the help of you all we ll try to
gain new heights again.

Arnav (ricku).
(User:Rangilo_Gujarati) <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Rangilo_Gujarati>
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