On Nov 13, 2011, at 12:07 AM, Swaroop Rao wrote:

> That's true Arjun, there is a lot of interest in this program in many 
> colleges, and this is going untapped. No, its not dead for sure. It was a 
> pilot, and it didn't come out pretty; no issues, that's how we learn. I think 
> that one thing we learnt is that the US model may not work out well for 
> India, so we need to develop an India specific model for this (That's what 
> we've been trying to do in these previous mails actually I guess).
> Swaroop Rao
> (MikeLynch)

Agree with you fully, and as I mentioned earlier, we will approach the 
assessment of the pilot and the way forward objectively, comprehensively and 

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