2011/12/14 Vickram Crishna <vvcris...@radiophony.com>:
> Pardon my intrusion on this thread, but within reason*, if any college or
> other educational institution chooses to be 'proprietary only' (never mind
> antediluvian - IE6? really? or is that an XP issue?) FOSSers are prepared to
> take it up 'officially' with them, reminding them of the nation's commitment
> to education without strings attached. This is fyi to listers, and I shan't
> mention it again, but please do consider notifying your friendly
> neighbourhood FOSSer with details of the person to contact
> (principal/director etc) for assistance and action. This in turn will get
> reflected to a FOSS forum (fosscomm is one such) and will hopefully result
> in notifying the institution concerned as well as the possibility of a local
> FOSS-based firm offering upgrade services.
> *ie FOSS as a movement is in continuous need of resources as well, but
> education is a major priority

It is a very valid point. Installing Firefox or at least updating to
IE8 on Windows XP costs nothing and has very tangible and
easy-to-demonstrate benefits for language support. Wiki Community
members should BE BOLD and tell libraries, schools and colleges that
they should do it.

While you are at it, make sure that auto-updates are enabled and
consider installing a version of Firefox with menus translated to the
local language (see http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all.html ; if
you can't find it your language, see https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n .)

Amir E. Aharoni

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