hi Phillipe,

How much lead time would you need to enable this? Given that India and
US are in opposite sides of the world - you guys maybe sleeping while
we request an unblock.
What venues can we request an unblock - en email to you? On wiki-tech IRC?


On 21/12/2011, Nitika <ntan...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> but I wanted to be sure you know that I can lift the cap of 7 account
>> creations per day, if you let me know what day you're doing something. :)
>> That's an open offer to anyone doing outreach...
> Hey Phillipe,
> I am now aware that there is a possibility of releasing an IP from this
> rule. But I learnt this the hard way! I sat through an outreach session
> where we encountered blocking of IP and the participants were very
> disappointed because they could not create their usernames. There is another
> mail from Subhashish which echoes similar experience.
> By way of working on this document and putting together small tips like
> these will make sure that others don't go through this pain. I'd encourage
> everyone to put their thoughts/learnings here so that all of us can benefit
> out of it and make our outreach sessions more effective.
> Thanks
> Nitika

Pradeep Mohandas
How Pradeep uses email - http://goo.gl/6v1I9

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