Thanks, Tinu.  I generally agree with you.  Except that I never tried to
tell anyone about what they ought to be doing as a volunteer and what not.
 There is a simple distinction between staff/consultants and volunteers as
is evident from conventional usage across the Wikimedia universe.  The only
reference I made was to paid work done under the purview of contractual
assignment with the Foundation, anything outside done in individual
capacity and outside of working hours is still that of a volunteer.

Also, as long as I am not signing off with my official credentials at the
end of the email, I am only expressing personal opinion.  For instance, I
wouldn't claim that Shiju's indisposition towards me is the official stance
of his employer.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 3:37 PM, CherianTinu Abraham

> Dear Anirudh & Shiju,
> I would strongly dispose this as NOT the official position of the chapter.
> I have a different opinion but again I won't attribute to the chapter.
> What I say below is my personal opinion.
> Just because someone decides to work full time ( and paid too) doesn't
> mean it ceases to do anything as a volunteer.
> If someone is not able to spend the same extent of time to the movement as
> a volunteer, there is their own problem. Nobody is going to ask anyone why
> you are not doing your job as a volunteer.  I have a high pressured day job
> to keep and family & friends to take care, and I do my volunteer work with
> the limited time , it is my choice. If I decide to work as full time as a
> paid staff ( for the same movement), I don't need advise from someone else
> to tell me what I should be doing as a volunteer and what I should not !
> On a very hypothetical case, if you were working on a legal position for
> WMF India, would you like someone to define that what your volunteer work
> should be ?
> As I clearly explained earlier, many a times, due to nature of our
> involvement with the movement, it is practically separate whether  we does
> something as a volunteer, chapter member or chapter board member or even
> foundation staff.
> Pranav and Pradeep were working on a Foundation paid Fellowship for an
> event like WikiConference that was supported by Community and conducted on
> the banner of the Wikimedia India Chapter. Both are chapter members and
> leaders ( as well as community members). Where does the work for the
> Conference end as a Foundation full time Fellow end and where does it start
> as community or chapter member?
> Everyone is encouraged to volunteer for the chapter , regardless of what
> his or her day job is. There is nothing that prevents even a foundation
> staff or contractor even being the board member of the chapter , less alone
> any volunteer or member.  There are several Wikimedia chapters in the world
> who has paid and full time staff working for them. The Secretary (
> volunteer) of the Dutch chapter is also a Foundation Full time Contractor.
> Hope that clarifies
> -TC
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Anirudh Bhati <>wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Shiju Alex <>wrote:
>>> I am replying to this mail as a *Malayalam wikimedia community member*.
>>> Fact:  Subhashish, *former volunteer*, and now paid consultant with
>>>> India Programs.
>>> What do you mean by this? I Shiju Alex is a Indic language wikipedian
>>> now close to 6 years. According to Mr. Anirudh (an EC member of India
>>> chapter) I am a former volunteer. is this is the official position of
>>> wikimedia India chapter? As a community member I require an explanation for
>>> this.
>> Shiju, you and Subhashish have been volunteers but now you are paid
>> contractors hired by the Foundation.  Any work you do within the purview of
>> your contractual relationship with the Foundation will be work as a paid
>> contractor and cannot be deemed to be the same as a volunteer. You can
>> continue being volunteers once your contractual assignment is complete.  Is
>> that so difficult to understand?
>> The difference is this: I am an unpaid volunteer who cannot expend the
>> same amount of time and energy towards our projects as you are currently
>> able to.
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