Vishnu, thanks for responding.  Would you or someone from CIS help me
understand the rationale for selecting two individuals affiliated with
CSCS which is also affiliated with CIS?  I don't mean to question the
credentials of either you or Ms Tejaswini, however, was there a need
felt for the inclusion of an additional consultant whilst there are
already four other members in the CIS Delhi Office (previously WMF
India Programs)?  Do you feel that the current workload on the rest of
the team justifies the hiring of an additional consultant?

Furthermore, based on my discussions with other members oft he
community there appears to be some confusion on the amount of WMF
grant quoted in your email above, that is, INR 2.6 crores [~USD 488,000].
 If I recall correctly, the grant
amount sanctioned by the WMF for CIS's A2k programme stands at INR 1.1
crores [~USD 206,000] with the possibility of further support from the FDC
through a
separate grant request.  As far as my understanding goes, this support
is provisional and dependent on the FDC's willingness to extend the
grant amount on the basis of CIS's track record with spending and
execution of programmes since the A2k programme was announced in the
middle of 2012.

>From Barry's mail:

The grant will be for two years in duration to complete the original first
stage of the catalyst strategy. The first year’s grant will be for a total
of INR 11,000,000 subject to final budget approvals. The second year will
be for a similar amount plus inflation subject to a budget review in May
2013. The grant will be renewable via the Wikimedia Grants program (or the
FDC, if CIS were to become an affiliated organization and meet eligibility)


On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 6:26 PM, Gautam John <> wrote:

> On 8 February 2013 17:44, Vishnu t <> wrote:
> > Please join me in welcoming Dr. Tejaswini Niranjana to the Wiki-movement
> > in India. I have taken the liberty to coy her on this mail.
> Read Dr. Niranjana's profile. Wow! Welcome to the movement!
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