Dear Jayanta,

Thanks for the detailed update. I wish the new EC the very best. 

As a former member of the EC and being one of the founding EC members I would 
like to request the EC to quickly get all your focus back to projects and 
supporting the community.

It is great to see the EC back in action and in full force despite some 
unplanned exits from the EC that rocked the boat a bit in the interim.

Wish you and the EC team the very best and I am sure that you would get good 
support from members and community alike as you progress with your projects.

If you were to need any help please do not hesitate to ask.

I would also like to urge everyone to support the office bearers and to engage 
constructively with them. IMHO all our collective time is best used towards 
editing and work to support the Wikimedia projects.

I would also request the new EC to regularly communicate your plans and updates 
with members and the community.

Best wishes!

Warm regards

On 03-Oct-2014, at 6:41 PM, Jayanta Nath <> wrote:

> Extraordinary Circular
> Dated: 03/10/2014
> During the past several weeks, there has been significant developments and 
> major changes in the team of governance of  Wikimedia India Chapter (WMIN).  
> The Executive Committee (EC) effective as of now, would like to clarify the 
> sequence of events that unfolded and the remedial steps the EC took as and 
> when necessary.
> On August 27th, Moksh at 8:03pm tendered his resignation as the President of 
> WMIN Chapter as well as a member of the Executive Committee. Within minutes, 
> Pranav Curumsey  too sent in his resignation  from the position as an EC 
> member.
> With this, the number of remaining EC members became 5 (Five).
> On 30th August, the remaining EC members  immediately put up and passed an 
> emergency Resolution accepting the resignation of both Moksh Juneja and 
> Pranav Curumsey. This resolution was signed for by Jayanta, ViswaPrabha and 
> Nikita. Srikanth signed against this. Karthik did not participate in this 
> resolution.  
> Further, on the same day, another Emergency Resolution was passed to co-opt 
> two new members to fill those two vacancies. By consensus, two senior Chapter 
> members were selected  to be the new EC members. All the then existing EC 
> members viz. Jayanta Nath, ViswaPrabha, Srikanth, Nikita and Karthik  
> unanimously voted for both these candidates.
> Radhakrishna Arvapally, a senior Chapter member and former Chairperson of 
> Bangalore SIG was one among them. Due to severe personal engagements, the 
> other person gracefully refused to be an EC Member. Due to privacy concerns, 
> we prefer to conceal his identity.
> With this, the number of effective EC members became 6.
> On 31st August, an Emergency Telecon was held. Jayanta Nath was elected as 
> the new President as well as Radhakrishna as the new Secretary and 
> ViswaPrabha as the Treasurer. All the existing EC members (viz.  Jayanta, 
> Radhakrishna, ViswaPrabha, Srikanth, Nikita and Karthik) attended this 
> telecon and all of them had voted for the new office bearers unanimously.
> On 2nd September 2014, there was another Telecon mainly to discuss about the 
> urgent pending matters such as elections, AGM, formation of an advisory 
> committee etc. All the Six EC members (viz. Jayanta, Radhakrishna, 
> ViswaPrabha, Srikanth, Nikita and Karthik) had attended this meeting.
> Soon after this meeting was over, Srikant submitted his resignation. With 
> this, the number of effective EC members fell back to 5 (five). This 
> necessitated the co-opting of two more members to the board of directors.
> During the next EC telecom, which was held on 5th September, Dr. Ekbal 
> Bappukunju was co-opted in. This was supported by all attendees (viz. 
> Jayanta, Radhakrishna, ViswaPrabha, Nikita and Karthik) unanimously. The EC 
> was now back with a strength of Six members. There was still one more vacancy 
> in the board to be filled up. EC decided to seek out and absorb one more 
> potential candidate from the list of chapter members.
> Finally, on 10th September, during yet another Telecon, Nikhil Kawale was 
> co-opted to the remaining one position. This meeting was attended by Jayanta, 
> ViswaPrabha, Dr. Ekbal, Nikita and Karthik) all of them unanimously voted in 
> favour of Nikhil.
> As is evident from the above, Wikimedia India Chapter would like to state 
> explicitly and assure everybody who may be concerned that at no point of time 
> during this period, there was a decision or deliberation that took place 
> without sufficient quorum or majority as stipulated by its Memorandum of 
> Association. Further, the Executive Committee itself was never in minority as 
> suggested by certain messages appeared in open mail lists.
> The above circular is signed by the following members of the Executive 
> Committee of Wikimedia India Chapter effective as on date:
> President:  Jayanta Nath
> Secretary:  Radhakrishna Arvapally
> Treasurer:  ViswaPrabha
> Karthik Nadar
> Nikita Belavate
> Dr. Ekbal Bappukunju
> Nikhil Kawale
> Regards,
> Jayanta Nath
> President
> Wikimedia India Chapter
> The PDF copy of the the same you could found at 
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