Though the Foundation has a legal support email id, I dont think it has
practical value. Further, in this highly polarised political environment
where we can be attacked in real life for work done on Wikipedia, I agree
with the point on building a legal support system for work done at least
within Wikipedia.

On Sunday, 9 May 2021, Bodhisattwa Mandal <bodhisattwa.rg...@gmail.com>
> I personally always felt that individual Wikimedia volunteers are always
in an extremely vulnerable position. There is no legal support system
present in the Indian Wikimedia ecosystem to safeguard or prevent Wikimedia
volunteers from being harrassed by state or charged or arrested for any
controversial content present on Wikipedia. Although Sidheeq was not
charged for anything related to his Wikimedia work and to some people,
maybe his arrest has nothing to do with the Wikimedia community, but it
gives us a chance to think, what happens if this kind of incident happens
to any one of us with respect to any controversial content present on any
Wikimedia sites. I strongly feel that we need to build a good legal support
system sustainable enough to help volunteers in distress anytime anywhere
in India; the scope of such a support system can be defined or discussed,
but something should be there.
> At present, as volunteers, we are so helpless that we can only pray that
everything will be fine someday automagically, but that is just to console
ourselves. The fact is we are too powerless to condemn the incident or
issue a statement or even bring this topic to the mailing list. Personally,
I feel helpless like everyone else. I just hope that someday this
discussion will help build a legal support system whom we can approach
while in distress.
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