At 20:47 +0000 10/2/09, Thomas Dalton wrote:
>2009/2/10 Andrew Turvey <>:
>>  We would like to ask people their suggestions as to the best way forward.
>>  Should we restrict it to current Board members, or is it reasonable to say
>>  that anyone who puts themself forward as a candidate would be acceptable to
>>  go?
>It's probably worth pointing out that at the moment less than 7 people
>have expressed an interest in standing for the 7 seats on the board,
>so chances are good that anyone that stands will get elected (they
>would still need 50% support, of course, but I don't think anyone is
>unpopular enough to fail that requirement in an uncontested election).
>That said, is anyone on this list thinking of standing that hasn't
>mentioned it already?
>I think it's important that we decide who to send sooner rather than
>later (tickets get more expensive as time goes on, for a start). That
>means if we're going to send a current board member we need one that
>can guarantee they'll be available on those dates (if memory serves,
>only one current board member that is intending to stand again has
>said they could make it, and that was only a "probably").
>>  Is there anyone on this list who would be interested in going?
>As I said on IRC last week, I'll volunteer. It's during my Easter
>holiday, so I'll have no problem attending.

Why are there seven seats on the board? I can see why there might be 
seven roles, but why seven people?


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