2009/3/18 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dal...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/3/18 joseph seddon <life_is_bitter_sw...@hotmail.co.uk>:

>> I think having two areas is a good idea plus voting cards to avoid
>> confusion.
>> Discussion amoungst members should be as free flowing as possible but
>> directed
>> by the chair. If non-members wish to add to the discussion, they must be
>> recognised
>> by the chair to be able to make a comment.

> We need to be careful with voting, but I think we can just make it up
> as we go along with discussion. If some people are hogging the floor,
> particularly non-members, then the chair can intervene and start
> directing who can speak when, but if everything is going fine with
> free-form discussion we might as well let non-members join in.

I'd suggest getting the meeting bit over with expeditiously (as long
as needed but not a moment longer), with someone saying "Non-members
are welcome to observe, but please don't interrupt. Could members come
over here please ..."

- d.

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