2009/11/30 Charles Matthews <charles.r.matth...@ntlworld.com>:
> Thomas Dalton wrote:

>> I understood what you were suggesting, I'm just wondering why you
>> think that is better. You sounded like you were quoting some standard
>> rule about press releases and I know very little on the subject.

> I've done press releases before, and got some coverage. I don't know of
> a rulebook: I picked up a few things from someone who had done them
> himself. I don't regard them as hard to do, if you do have a "story".
> There's a kind of template, and if you can fit your message into it,
> that's the easy part. Then you have to know where to send them (how is
> easier, now fax machines have gone out).

Yeah. Remember that anything you say will be grossly distorted and
written to fit into a preconceived story which may have no relation
whatsoever to reality, and if anything that's actually accurate makes
it into the article then it's a bloody miracle. And all this happens
with the best of intentions and no malice whatsoever.

- d.

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