See Steve's reply, below, which didn't make it to this list. I agree  
with the promotion point - this isn't the place to push unrelated  
events, although it's always good to mention them if they are related  
(e.g. as in the 5 million Commons files release). Andrew did make a  
number of other points as well as this one, though.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Steve Virgin" <>
> Date: 29 December 2009 16:57:27 GMT
> To: <>
> Cc: Wikimedia UK Board mailing list <>
> Subject: Re: [WMUK Board] [Wikimediauk-l] Press release (Public  
> Domain Day)
> Reply-To: Wikimedia UK Board mailing list <>
> Charles is quite right that we have been in touch
> He was aware that we needed to run this through the Board Meeting  
> tonight as I pointed this out last week
> I think he was aware I might have some reservations (albeit minor)  
> about the text so I doubt anyone thought it would be issued  
> prematurely
> Any promotion of Britain Loves Wikipedia should be in a section at  
> the bottom called 'Editor's Notes' that comes at the end of the  
> press release - it should not come in the main body text as this  
> will mean more than one single message is being conveyed and this  
> will be confusing
> I'd certainly promote it in the Editor's Notes - but nowhere else.  
> Or, simply write a new press release all about Britain Loves  
> Wikipedia and issue that to secure the same
> I had a few minor and small doubts about the 70 year rule so on  
> phrases in the text suggesting 'copyright free on anything' which I  
> simply modified to sound less harsh. But our collective Board  
> knowledge on the copyright matter would no doubt be of interest
> Hope this helps
> Best
> Steve
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Charles Matthews" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 4:36 PM
> To: "Michael Peel" <>
> Cc: <>; "Steve Virgin"  
> <>
> Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Press release (Public Domain Day)
>> Michael Peel wrote:
>>> In terms of the content of the press release, there still seem to  
>>> be some outstanding questions. Andrew posted on the talk page 5  
>>> days ago, pointing out a few things, which it would be good to  
>>> discuss. The central point is: are we absolutely positive that  
>>> the facts are completely accurate? Also, note that the press  
>>> release as it stands is lacking a headline and a date.
>> I don't agree with the Talk page comment "release should promote  
>> WMUK and its activities, e.g. Britain Loves Wikipedia, as much as  
>> possible". My views on press releases are probably known to  
>> readers of the list by now. I would go so far as to say that  
>> "corporate identity" material is dead weight in getting media  
>> attention. To put it another way, promotion through simply  
>> contacting the media has to earn its keep.
>> On the issue of handling, I have been in contact with a Board  
>> member, and I imagine my views will be represented to the Board.  
>> I'll pass on second-guessing the detailed drafting. 70 years is  
>> correct for the UK, that much is clear, and _in the press release_  
>> nothing else should be brought in.
>> Charles
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