On Sun, 2010-01-03 at 09:51 +0000, Charles Matthews wrote:
> Brian McNeil wrote:
> > I don't think WMUK needs a style guide as long as Wikinews' but, it
> > might be an idea to note points as we go along that should be
> > consistent.
> >
> >
> >   
> Oooh, let's do the endash-hyphen thing right here ... not. The press do 
> have their own style guides, so the message is more important than the 
> medium.

I was not suggest importing ultra-anal-retentive nitpicking from English
Wikipedia. Particularly something as stupid as the ndash one which is a
visual issue and for a press release they would look the same 'on the

The rules I saw as important to apply in the press release were:

* British English spelling (including preferring 'organisation' over
* Consisted, UK-style date formatting with the month spelt out to be
* Spell out all numbers of twenty or less

The rest is just preference for active voice where possible and good

> I have moved material around to get the punch into the first para. "Mary 
> Rose" is good: on everyone's radar, apparently.

Are press releases going onto any of the semi-junk freebie pseudo-wires?
There's several of these turn up in Google News results.

How are the current recipients of issued press releases managed? Is
there a distribution list? How would, say, a blogger go about
subscribing to WMUK news?

Brian McNeil <brian.mcn...@wikinewsie.org>

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