On Sun, 2010-01-10 at 18:34 +0000, Thomas Dalton wrote:
> 2010/1/10 Charles Matthews <charles.r.matth...@ntlworld.com>:
> > Shrug. Admins are never "obliged" to enforce policy if it gives a stupid
> > result. ArbCom are "obliged" to make some sense out of what the policy
> > pages say, bearing in mind the good of the mission. Asking for 1500
> > admins to come up with a consensus position is fairly futile. Asking an
> > Arbitrator is consulting an informed person. I know what I'd think of an
> > admin who blocked a school project on this technicality. i'll concede
> > that what is recommended should be well thought through, but my feeling
> > is that this could lead to second-best advice being given.
> You have some really big problems with your understanding of how
> Wikipedia works... First, you claim that ArbCom should be deciding our
> policy on role accounts and now you claim that admins should. You are
> completely wrong on both counts. Policy is determined by THE

Right. And policy is enforced by admins, bureaucrats, checkusers,
admins, stewards, and project arbcoms.

The issue on role accounts is that anyone who can use them can change
the registered email address and password. So, shared accounts are out.

Any admin or, more appropriately, checkuser will tell you that
generating a lot of similarly formed account names will raise suspicion.
It's a common troll modus operandi - and it has been done from school IP
addresses. I think Charles is speaking from the perspective of someone
with access to nonpublic data. My concern is that said data may require
accessed. On rare occasions a school's IT administrator may be contacted
if they're a persistent source of vandalism; most admins never see that
nonpublic information and may make blocking decisions they feel in line
with policy but absent that knowledge.

Brian McNeil <brian.mcn...@wikinewsie.org>

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