On 28 April 2011 23:38, Fae <fae...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would be interested to know if any other members have opinions on
> how well the press interest was handled by WM-UK and whether we would
> have been better off saying more, less or putting our case more fully
> on the WM-UK blog http://blog.wikimedia.org.uk ?

This has been the subject of much discussion on the comcom list ...

I was the person the Telegraph spoke to. We chatted for about half an
hour, during which I gave a detailed discussion of the whole subject,
including hitting every nuance of the subject you can think of. Which
they then, er, didn't use, as if I hadn't said almost any of it.

As it's a paralysingly slow news week (multiple papers running
thousand-word articles on weather for the Royal Wedding?), the story
was then cut'n'pasted by every other newspaper, desperate for
something to print. The quotes were directly nicked too, my phone
hasn't rung since with anyone else actually asking for a comment.

So I'd say this is this season's August/September story, just a few
months early.

- d.

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