On 29 April 2011 21:42, Gordon Joly <gordon.j...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Quote: A spokesman for Wikipedia said that if the allegations were
> posted repeatedly the pages could be "locked" to limit those who could
> edit them. He added, that, because Wikipedia was based in the United
> States, it was not bound by the injunctions.....
> Who was that?

Me, as I said. He asked if Wikipedia could be sued. I said that as a
US organisation it wasn't affected by UK injunctions, though UK based
editors were, but that we didn't put stuff in if it wasn't really well
referenced anyway.

As I said, he picked a few sentences out of half an hour's careful
explanation. Possibly I should have just told him to bugger off, but
that doesn't generally work out well except when they're well known to
be an arsehole.

- d.

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