I've only been half following this, but

On Thu, 20 Sep 2012, Andreas Kolbe wrote:

Erik Möller has posted some comments on Wikimedia-l:

- My understanding is that qrpedia.org is still under individual
control, rather than chapter control. Is that correct? If so this is a
bit problematic, and it would be good to secure control of it (I'm not
offering that WMF would host it; I don't think the value/impact case
for QR codes is sufficiently strong for that, but it would be good for
at least a chapter to take responsibility for it for now).

In the messages I've read (not all), it has been stated at least twice that the process transferring this to WMUK (i.e. exactly what is being asked for) is ongoing, and has been for some time (held up by complicated legal issues, rather than a lack of desire from either party).

How many times do the same questions need to be answered?

(feel free to forward this to wikimedia-l, I don't subscribe to that list)

Chris McKenna


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Antoine de Saint Exupery
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