On 1 Dec 2013, at 03:01, Michael Maggs <mich...@maggs.name> wrote:

> On 30 Nov 2013, at 22:01, Charles Matthews <charles.r.matth...@ntlworld.com> 
> wrote:
>> Actually, I despair of the entire thread. There is all of £20 at stake here. 
>> There is every reason to economise on staff time, on this scale. The waste 
>> of volunteer time and good will that has been generated is unconscionable. 
>> The object of the exercise has been completely forgotten. The objects of the 
>> charity hardly enter.
>> Charles
> Absolutely. After 43 emails all we have learned that the mailing list is not 
> a remotely efficient way of deciding how the charity should spend £20.  The 
> staff have plenty to go on, and they should be perfectly able to move ahead 
> now without need for any further commentary.  

I disagree with the assertion that this thread has just been discussing an 
amount of £20. That could have been true if it was a thread focused on a single 
prize, but instead this has been talking about the general issue. Depending on 
how many vouchers WMUK purchases for competition prizes over the coming years, 
then that could easily amount to well in excess of £1,000. There’s also the 
intangible financial benefits from competition advertising, which is difficult 
to quantify. I think it’s useful to see the range of viewpoints here, and if 
there are people subscribed that have different viewpoints than those raised 
here then they shouldn’t feel forbidden from airing them here if they want to.

(Again, from my work address due to technical issues, but this is my personal 

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