Well done everyone.

On 18 March 2014 14:15, Martin Poulter <infob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Following on last year's announcement of a national Open Education
> declaration for Welsh Higher Education, some good news from Scotland.
> The Open Scotland group acknowledge that changing practice is the real
> goal and the declaration is just a starting point, but it's a significant
> step. Wikimedia UK are mentioned by name.
> Acronyms:
> Cetis = Centre for Educational Technology, Interoperability and Standards
> Jisc RSC = Jisc Regional Support Centre
> SQA = Scottish Qualifications Authority
> ALT = Association for Learning Technology
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Lorna M Campbell <lorna.m.campb...@icloud.com>
> Date: 17 March 2014 12:57
> Subject: [Open-education] Scottish Open Education Declaration
> To: Open Educational Resources <oer-disc...@jiscmail.ac.uk>,
> open-educat...@lists.okfn.org, Open Education Special Interest Group <
> opened...@jiscmail.ac.uk>, alt-scotl...@jiscmail.ac.uk
> Dear all,
> (Apologies for cross posting.)
> In order to coincide with Open Education Week last week the Open Scotland
> initiative released a public draft of the Scottish Open Education
> Declaration http://declaration.openscot.net/   Open Scotland is a a
> voluntary cross sector initiative led by Cetis, SQA, Jisc RSC Scotland and
> the ALT Scotland SIG, which aims to raise awareness of open education,
> encourage the sharing of OER, and promote the development of open policy
> and practice.
> One of the primary deliverables we agreed to produce following the Open
> Scotland Summit (
> http://openscot.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/open-scotland-report-and-actions/) 
> held
> in Edinburgh last year, was a declaration supporting open education in
> Scotland based on the UNESCO Paris OER Declaration. There was general
> agreement that the Paris Declaration was a "good thing" however
> many participants felt it was too focused on OER and that a Scottish
> declaration should encompass open education more widely. The result is
> the Scottish Open Education Declaration, a draft statement adapted from the
> Paris OER Declaration.
> The first draft of the Scottish Open Education Declaration has been shared
> online using the CommentPress application to enable all members of the
> community to add comments and feedback.  We invite all those with an
> interest in open education to comment on and contribute to this draft and
> to encourage their colleagues to join the debate
> http://declaration.openscot.net/
> Many thanks.
> Lorna
> -- Lorna M Campbell --
> Assistant Director, Cetis
> Web: www.cetis.ac.uk
> Blog: lornamcampbell.wordpress.com
> Mail: lorna.m.campb...@icloud.com
> Twitter: LornaMCampbell
> Skype: lorna120768
> _______________________________________________
> open-education mailing list
> open-educat...@lists.okfn.org
> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-education
> --
> Dr Martin L Poulter
> Jisc Wikimedia Ambassador, July 2013 - April 2014
> Wikipedia contributor         http://enwp.org/User:MartinPoulter
> Volunteer, Wikimedia UK   
> http://wikimedia.org/wiki/User:MartinPoulter<http://uk.wikimedia.org/>
> Musician                          http://soundcloud.com/martin-poulter
>                                        http://myspace.com/comapilot
> Person                             http://infobomb.org/
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