/Statement by D'Arcy Myers, interim chief executive:/

Following on from my statement on 9th March, in which I explained that the board had asked me to undertake a review of the charity's structure, I am now able to give you an update.

The period since March has been one of active review, though out of respect for individual staff and to ensure an objective and fair process we have not been providing a public narrative. I can however now announce that the staff discussions, review, appeal periods and subsequent restructure have just been concluded.

In order to ensure that the charity is best resourced to deliver impactful projects we have made a number of staff role changes, and the total staff headcount has been reduced from 14 to 9. Initially, 8 positions were proposed, but following full discussions with the staff it has been decided that we do actually require 9. The new organogram can be seen at [1]. The staff page [2] will be updated to reflect the new staffing over the next two weeks.

It is always regrettable to have to restructure in a way that loses staff who have contributed much to the charity. We thank the departing staff and wish them all the best. If anyone would like to make personal contact, please note that staff emails and accounts on the UK wiki will continue to be active until month end.

I am confident that with the new structure we can be more responsive to new ideas, bringing volunteering into the heart of our projects, and I would encourage you to get involved.

Another change in the staffing of the charity is the quest to find our new CEO. We are looking for an ambitious CEO who will provide strategic leadership and supportive management to volunteers and staff alike. They will be working to increase our profile and impact with our partners, engage with the volunteer community and develop our programme activity. A major part of this leadership will be the development of new income streams. We have retained the charity recruiters Prospectus to manage the recruitment process. You can view the recruitment pack at [3].

We expect to make an appointment in early July, and until such time as the new CEO is in post and ready to take over I am honoured to be leading the charity.

D'Arcy Myers, interim CEO

[1] https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/File:Wikimedia_UK_Organisational_Structure_May_2015.pdf

[2] https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Staff

[3] http://prospect-us.co.uk/jobs/details/hq00156774

For the wiki version of this email, see: https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Engine_room#CEO_appointment_progress

(Sent on behalf of D'Arcy Myers by Michael Maggs, Chair, Wikimedia UK)

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