On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 1:36 AM, David Cuenca <dacu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Automatic creation of page transclusion is nice but also dangerous... too
> many structures to have an easy solution.

What Alex is thinking, if I understand his work correctly, is that when you
work on a new book in nsPage,
you "define" what the structure is (his work right now is wrapping
titles/chapters in {{title}} templates, to give the book a logic
structure), and then a bot runs, create corrispondent ns0 chapters and
transclude pages.

I think that ns0 automation is something long needed, as we could suggest
users to focus just on nsPage and Indexes. All the difficult transclusion
part would be automatic (or semi-automatic).

I wonder if there is a better way to define the logic structure of our
book, maybe directly in the Index page.
I don't know what would be easier for the user:
* define the table of content once for all in the Index page
* define the table of content once in the book Toc (there is often one, if
not always, when needed)
* define the table of content just putting templates thorough the book, as
the reader goes through the book.

What do you all think?

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