On 4/8/09 8:17 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Jeff Ferland<j...@storyinmemo.com>  wrote:
>> The usual method of gaining commit access in public repositories is to
>> make your own pull, do your own disconnected work, and submit a patch
>> file when you feel it's at a milestone. Done with appropriate quality
>> and frequency, access is given. Most large projects give by warrant of
>> their own initiative, and not to satisfy requests. I'm guessing
>> without any response so far, that is what is expected of you here.
> Not really.  People have been given SVN access to work on extensions
> before without too much prior work.  And anyway, I know of at least
> one person right now who's had several patches accepted and has been
> waiting a couple of months for commit access after requesting it.
> Maybe related to this:
> http://leuksman.com/log/2009/04/07/i-need-to-check-my-mail-more-often/


I've got a small queue, I'll try and get through them today now that I'm 
back in the office.

-- brion

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