Sorry if this is not the correct forum to report a possible bug.

I noticed browsing the "Example of second-order singular perturbation
theory" section of the "Perturbation Theory" page on wikipedia:

Consider the following equation for the unknown variable <math>x</math>:

:<math>x=1+\epsilon x^5.</math>

For the initial problem with <math>\epsilon=0</math>, the solution is
<math>x_0=1</math>. For small <math>\epsilon</math> the lowest order
approximation may be found by inserting the [[ansatz]] 

:<math>x=x_0+\epsilon x_1 (+\cdots)</math> 

that the markup fonts of "x" in each of the :<math> sections are different.
In particular there are no serifs on the top x's in the first equation and
x_0=1 on my Linux box. On the others, there are small serifs.

I don't see why they should be rendering differently. The ascii certainly
doesn't indicate anything to me...

I've tested this on:
IE7.0 Windows
Safari 4.0 on OSX 10.5
Firefox 3.5 on OSX 10.5
Firefox 3.0.10 on Linux 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5

I've attached a small screenshot of what I see.

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