"Aryeh Gregor" <simetrical+wikil...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Tim Starling<tstarl...@wikimedia.org> 
> wrote:
>> To help in the "proving trustworthy, or else" process, I have released
>> the source code of Watchlistr - please take a look at it. You will see
>> that I take the utmost care in securing user information. The wiki
>> logins are encrypted with AES in our database. The key used to encrypt
>> each user's login list is their site username, which is stored as a
>> SHA1 hash in our database. If a cracker were to, somehow, gain access
>> to the database, they would be left with a pile of garbage.
> They would only have to get the site usernames to decrypt the login
> info.  They could get those the next time each user logs in, if
> they're not detected immediately.  There's no way around this; if your
> program can log in as the users, so can an attacker who's able to
> subvert your program.

Or, since the set of registered Wikimedia users is both vastly smaller than 
the superset of all possible usernames (remember it's restricted to users 
with a global login AFAICT), and readily accessible through a 
high-throughput API, a brute-force attack would be, if not trivial, 
certainly extremely feasible.
>> As for the other solutions that were presented - I was really trying
>> to create a cross-platform, cross-browser solution that would not
>> hinge on one particular technology. Javascript would be great, but
>> what if someone doesn't have JS enabled? OAuth and a read-only API
>> would be close-to-ideal, but they currently don't work with/don't
>> exist on the Wikimedia servers. I am, however, open to other workable
>> solutions that are presented - let me know.
> I would suggest you apply for a toolserver account:
> https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Account_approval_process
> Once you have a toolserver account, I'd be willing to work with you to
> arrange for some form of direct access to all wikis' watchlist tables
> (I'm a toolserver root).  You then wouldn't need to possess any login
> info.

This looks like a *much* more acceptable system.  Although how would you 
authenticate without collecting proscribed data...?


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