On 8/31/09 1:12 PM, Ilmari Karonen wrote:
> Platonides wrote:
>> You get a request for page Foo:Bar. It could be a page name, or Foo
>> could mean Special in Bantu. How do you check (efficiently) over 300
>> languages?
> With array_key_exists(), surely?  It's (AFAIK) a (nearly) constant-time
> hash lookup.
> Of course, you don't want to have to load 300 Messages*.php files just
> to populate that array in the first place, but that just means that we'd
> have to consolidate the namespace aliases into a single file if we
> wanted to do this, rather than scattering them across hundreds of files
> like we do now.
> I've actually long wanted something like this for Commons.  At the very
> least, It Would Be Nice If all the localized aliases of the File/Image
> namespace were added to $wgNamespaceAliases for Commons.

While a good, performant implementation might be a little hairy, and the 
idea of name conflicts makes me break out in cold sweats, it *would* be 
nice if that worked, yes. :D

-- brion

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