Helder Geovane Gomes de Lima wrote:
> But I wasn't able to create a param "default" in order we could set
> which of the variants will be shown by default for anonymous users. It
> would be good if we could use {{Language variations| default = pt-br |
> pt = word 1| pt-br = word 2}} to get:
> (a) word 2, for annonimous users;
> (b) word 1, for logged users which choose 'pt' in their preferences;
> (c) word 2, for logged users which choose 'pt-br' in their preferences;
> The option (a) would be necessary if we don't want to change an
> existing text from 'pt-br' to 'pt' (for anonymous users) just because
> we want the logged users to be able to choose the "content variant".

There's no difference. Anonymous users get the default language.
What you could do is having thee "languages": pt (generic Portuguese,
default), pt-pt and pt-br.

> Is there any way of detect if the reader is logged in with something
> in the style {{#if: <what?> | foo| bar}}?

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