Tim Starling wrote:
> Ariel T. Glenn wrote:
>> The differences between the UK and American varieties of English are not
>> limited just to spelling and vocabulary.
> Note that the -{...}- structure is available in wikitext to translate
> article-specific fragments of text, so you can also translate worldview:
> A popular game played with a bat and ball is -{en-gb:Cricket;
> en-us:Baseball}-.

That reminds me... some time ago, someone proposed to enable 
LanguageConverter on Commons (but without any automatic conversion, 
presumably) and to (ab?)use it to replace the existing autotranslation 
hacks based on {{int:lang}}.  Would that be in any sense feasible?

There would presumably be two major use cases: the easy one, which I do 
believe the converter should handle just fine, would be to replace the 
current <http://commons.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:LangSwitch>, 
generally used to autotranslate short phrases, with syntax like:

-{de:Eigene Arbeit; en:Own work; fi:Oma teos; fr:Travail personnel; etc.}-

(See <http://commons.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Own> for the source of 
the example.)

The not-so-simple case would be replacing 
<http://commons.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Autotranslate>, which is 
used to translate entire templates, usually (though by no means 
necessarily) combined with a long list of links to the various 
translations so that users can easily browse them if the automatically 
chosen version is no good or something.  A naive implementation of that 
would look something like:

-{af: {{GFDL/af}}; als: {{GFDL/als}}; an: {{GFDL/an}}; ar: {{GFDL/ar}}; 
ast: {{GFDL/ast}}; be: {{GFDL/be}}; be-tarask: {{GFDL/be-tarask}}; <!-- 
...and so on for about 70 more languages -->}-

(Source: <http://commons.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:GFDL>.)

I'd like to hope that there might be some better way of doing it, 
though, even if I can't offhand think of what it might look like.

Still, would something like that work, even in theory, and would it be 
an improvement over the way these things are currently done (which is 
hacky enough itself)?

Ilmari Karonen

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