Yaron Koren wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Part of the Wikipedia Usability Initiative is a project to create a system
> whereby template calls are hidden (minimized, really) for most users on the
> edit page, and when users do want to edit template calls, they can do so via
> a form instead of editing the template call directly. I'm involved with that
> project; my previous experience with such matters was creating the Semantic
> Forms extension, which is similar in its basic concept. I've put together a
> page explaining the current thinking on how the system should work, here:
> http://usability.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template_forms
> We're looking for feedback; any thoughts or questions are welcome, either on
> that page's talk page or by responding to this email.
> Thanks,
> Yaron

Perhaps it could be made so form parameters and template documentation
can be defined at the same time?
At first, I thought in the ability of embedding the documentation in the
template, but if XML provides benefits, it could be made so the
documentation can be provided from the XML.

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