Looks like a loot of fun :-)

On 1 March 2010 11:10, Domas Mituzas <midom.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Even if it wasn't hotspots like the parser could still be compiled
>> with hiphop and turned into a PECL extension.
> hiphop provides major boost for actual mediawiki initialization too - while 
> Zend has to reinitialize objects and data all the time, having all that in 
> core process image is quite efficient.
>> One other nice thing about hiphop is that the compiler output is
>> relatively readable compared to most compilers. Meaning that if you
> That especially helps with debugging :)
>> need to optimize some particular function it's easy to take the
>> generated .cpp output and replace the generated code with something
>> more native to C++ that doesn't lose speed because it needs to
>> manipulate everything as a php object.
> Well, that is not entirely true - if it manipulated everything as PHP object 
> (zval), it would be as slow and inefficient as PHP. The major cost benefit 
> here is that it does strict type inference, and falls back to Variant only 
> when it cannot come up with decent type.
> And yes, one can find offending code that causes the expensive paths. I don't 
> see manual C++ code optimizations as way to go though - because they'd be 
> overwritten by next code build.

this smell like something that can benefict from metadata.

/* [return  integer] */  function getApparatusId($obj){

 - - -

User question follows:

What we can expect?  will future versions of MediaWiki be "hiphop
compatible"? there will be a fork or snapshot compatible?  The whole
experiment looks like will help to profile and enhance the engine,
will it generate a MediaWiki.tar.gz  file we (the users) will able to
install in our intranetss ??

Maybe a blog article about your findings could be nice. It may help
"write fast PHP code". And will scare littel childrens and PHP
programmers with a C++ background.

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