Roan Kattouw schrieb:
> 2010/3/12 Marcus Buck <>:
>> Can you please elaborate? And feel free to use technical terms ;-) Why
>> would that be a problem? We can cache the English pages so why can't we
>> cache non-English pages? Of course the amount of rendering events will
>> rise, but I cannot imagine why this rise would be so immense we cannot
>> handle it.
> First off, the Squid cache would need to contain one entry per
> language per page, rather than simply one entry per language. This
> means multiple entries for the same URL that are varied between based
> on Accept-Language (fragmentation), which in turn means the size of
> the Squid cache would explode: if there are, say, 20 popular languages
> out there that cause significant cache population (excluding English),
> the cache size for Commons would be roughly multiplied by 20, as would
> the number of render requests to the Apaches.
> Second, I believe that Squid currently doesn't even support this kind
> of fragmentation, but I may be wrong.
Perhaps I'm totally wrong, my knowledge of squid is somewhere between 
non-existant and sketchy, but my impression was that squid uses cache 
keys and that any information can be coded into these cache keys. (At 
least that's what I recall from the time we switched the local file 
description pages transcluded from Commons from English-only to the 
local projects language.)

About the size explosion: do we hit any hard limitations if the squid 
cache multiplies its size? Like "none of our servers has enough hard 
disk space to hold a commons squid cache 20 times the current size" or 
what is it? By the way, what is the current cache size?

Marcus Buck

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