On 05/20/2010 09:15 AM, Amir E. Aharoni wrote:
> On various Vector feedback pages as well as on OTRS many people report that
> since the switch to Vector it takes significantly more time for Wikipedia
> pages to load.[...]
> Are there any more precise measurements?

I don't know how useful it is, but recently I helped a client build some 
JS-based, in-browser page load performance monitoring. It tracks various 
rendering events of a chosen percentage of pageviews. The only 
server-side code processes web server logs in batch, so it is pretty low 
impact, and works with cached pages. It's been served in a few hundred 
million pageviews with no obvious problems yet.

I think most of the server-side code is pretty particular to their 
needs, but if somebody wants it for Wikipedia, I'm sure they'd be 
willing to give up the client-side stuff and my rough-and-ready initial 
pass at the log parsing, which is in Ruby. If that's useful, let me know 
off-list and I'll ask 'em for permission.


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