On 05/29/2010 05:42 PM, Robert Ullmann wrote:
> To answer my own question, no, it won't: it will move all the 5.0
> pages that have 5.1 redirects to pages named "Broken/ID:nnnn" and the
> result is a huge mess.
> Either the redirects must be deleted first, or the code in
> cleanupTitles fixed to move over redirects.

Fixing cleanupTitles.php to allow moving pages over one-rev 
self-redirects, just like with normal page moving, would IMHO be a good 
idea anyway.  The code can be adapted from Title::isValidMoveTarget() 
and Title::moveOverExistingRedirect().  In fact, the former method could 
probably be used as is -- while the situation in cleanupTitles is a bit 
unusual, in that title normalization will cause the redirect to point to 
itself, Title::isValidMoveTarget() seems to already have code in place 
to handle that special case.

Ilmari Karonen

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