
> Yes it is a technical pain in the arse.The question is one of primacy. Is it
> more important to provide service or are technical considerations of the
> most importance. Yes, we discussed this in the past and we did not agree
> then and we do not agree now.

Well, I agree that it might be good idea to have language-specific ordering, 
just costs are quite high and there're not too many people eager to do 
engineering part of such project. 
CLDR isn't panacea, it is constantly evolving project, with inaccurate stable 
versions (even for well established languages like mine, heheh), and various 
proposed/testing versions. 

So, to pick CLDR based flow, and do it properly, it would consist of infinite 
loop of: 

1. Understanding which languages need a separate collation
2. Evaluating all available collations for a language, attracting input from 
local communities and standardization bodies 
3. Evaluating the algorithmic implications of chosen collation - then either 
approaching standards bodies to change it, or simplifying it internally (and 
forking), or implementing algorithms in software (though that sometimes is 
impossible to do in efficient way)
4. Porting (3) into a backend of choice
5. Provide upgrade path and conflict resolution method for existing content
6. Provide framework to do full index rebuilds and switchover between different 
collations (ok, this probably is one-time engineering project, albeit quite 
complex, as it has to have (4) and (5) in mind)
7. Monitor for new versions of collations :) 

Multiply all that by number of languages we have, and do note that there're 
multiple sorting variants per language too (e.g. dictionary vs phonebook 
ordering in Germany). 
So yes, it would be fantastic to have that kind of functionality, but you'd 
need quite some engineering capacity to pull it off.  

And if we get to implementation specifics - ordering rules are same as equality 
rules, causing quite some confusion in some cases (and some people will 
definitely want to have same sorted but not equal terms.. :) 

Of course, we can use community driven sortkey hacks for some features ;-)

> I wonder how our English language readers would react when the sort order
> for their lists would be wrong.

I guess it isn't absolutely tragic for others, as otherwise we wouldn't see 
projects in other languages at all. Now thats a benchmark! ;-)

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