On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Lane, Ryan
<ryan.l...@ocean.navo.navy.mil> wrote:
> Though SMS has a number of vulnerabilties, as listed in the link, in
> practical terms, it is likely to be safer than email for one time passwords.
> Remember: one time passwords are used as a form of two factor
> authentication. The SMS is sent to something they have after the user enters
> the thing they know. The thing you know in this system is often a password.
> People tend to use the same password everywhere, and a user's wikipedia
> password is likely their email password, which would make a one time
> password sent to the email less effective.
> With SMS, an attacker would have to know the user's password, and would have
> to intercept the SMS, which isn't easy enough to be worth the trouble.

I don't get what you're suggesting here.  Every time a user logs in,
they need to both enter their password and follow a link in a text
message?  Do you think that more than a double-digit number of
Wikipedia users would actually opt into this?  Or are you talking
about support in MediaWiki to be used on high-security corporate or
government sites, not Wikipedia?

If someone is willing to do the work, I'm not objecting to supporting
this in the software, but if we're talking about Wikipedia, it doesn't
make sense to try going this far.

> But it is, if the private key is stored on a thumb drive (in a crypto
> application), or on a smart card. Even if the private key and password are
> stored on the filesystem unencrypted, an x509 key is safer than a password
> simply because it is *much* more complex, so it is very unlikely to be brute
> forced.

Yes, certificates are usually more secure than passwords.

> This is a pretty smug statement.

I don't think so.  I think it's completely reasonable, when talking
about Wikipedia.  Hackers go after money, and there's no money in
hacking Wikipedia.  We have nothing secret or valuable that's not
already readily available.  We have no black-market competitors who
want to try disrupting our service.  Any malicious action could be
easily reversed.  The worst we have to worry about is someone with a
grudge trying to frame someone else, which has happened, but it's
hardly a pressing concern.

I seriously cannot see more than a few dozen Wikimedia users actually
going to the effort of using one-time passwords over SMS just to
protect their account.  Consequently, it's not reasonable to ask
Wikimedia sysops to do the deployment work necessary for sending SMS
from Wikimedia servers, if it's nonzero.  Nor is it reasonable to have
the code reviewed, and the option offered (we already have too many
options), when there's so little benefit.

Every feature has an inherent cost in code maintenance and complexity
of use, so features that are too marginal should not be part of the

> I think it would be nice to offer more secure methods of authentication to
> users who choose to take advantage of them. One time passwords would likely
> be too confusing to force on everyone, but they aren't too confusing to
> offer as an option. It also isn't very difficult to implement on the
> authentication server's end either. Also, if we are to act as an OpenID
> provider, it would be pretty nice to offer these more secure alternatives.

There is no point in providing options that virtually no one will use.
 It wastes the effort of all the people who have the maintain the
relevant code, and it's yet more distraction on our already
way-too-bloated preferences page.  And it will not be useful to anyone
when someone turns on the preference by mistake and can now no longer
log in because they gave a phone number that doesn't receive SMS, or
whatever.  When few enough people want a preference that more people
are likely to turn it on by mistake than deliberately, and when
there's significant harm or confusion from turning it on by mistake,
that's a sign that it's a bad preference.  (See also: "Use external

Do you think that more than 0.01% of Wikimedia users will enable any
such preference if provided?

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