On 8/20/10 10:56 PM, MZMcBride wrote:
> Trevor Parscal wrote:
>> Can we please exclude branches from this calculation?
> I think this is what you want.
> mysql>  select cr_author, count(*) from code_rev where cr_status = 'fixme'
> and cr_path not like '/branches/%' group by cr_author order by count(*)
> desc;
> +--------------+----------+
> | cr_author    | count(*) |
> +--------------+----------+
> | awjrichards  |        7 |
> | kaldari      |        5 |
> | nimishg      |        5 |
> | werdna       |        4 |
> | platonides   |        4 |
> | huji         |        4 |
> | catrope      |        3 |
> | demon        |        3 |
> | btongminh    |        3 |
> | daniel       |        2 |
> | pdhanda      |        2 |
> | sean_colombo |        2 |
> | happy-melon  |        2 |
> | tparscal     |        2 |
> | jeroendedauw |        2 |
> | maxsem       |        2 |
> | mgrabovsky   |        1 |
> | rainman      |        1 |
> | yaauie       |        1 |
> | philip       |        1 |
> | hartman      |        1 |
> | ialex        |        1 |
> | mah          |        1 |
> | aaron        |        1 |
> | soxred93     |        1 |
> | vyznev       |        1 |
> | jdpond       |        1 |
> | leonsp       |        1 |
> | tisane       |        1 |
> | thomasv      |        1 |
> | brion        |        1 |
> | nikerabbit   |        1 |
> | siebrand     |        1 |
> | tstarling    |        1 |
> | diana        |        1 |
> | dantman      |        1 |
> | purodha      |        1 |
> | svip         |        1 |
> +--------------+----------+
> 38 rows in set (0.07 sec)
> The total is 74.
> This chart could be made dynamic in a Toolserver tool, if there were
> interest. It could also possibly go into the extension, but the database
> would need some indices first.
> MZMcBride
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Yes, this is excellent, and much more useful than tracking all fixmes in 
the whole system. Generally we push people off into branches so they can 
develop in a less mission-critical environment. Tracking fixmes in those 
areas only servers to skew the numbers in a negative direction, or at 
least make it unclear how skewed they may or may not be.

Thanks for poking at this!

- Trevor

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