Hi there -- I don't post much here, but I was the programmer on the 
Multimedia Usability Project, which primarily focused on making uploads 
easier. The outside funding for that project just ended, so I think it's 
a good time to talk about what (if anything) we will do in the future 
along these lines.

Going forward, we ought not to think about usability as the 
responsibility a few people in San Francisco. I have been asking myself 
how we could end the need for usability projects, and instead make that 
part of everyone's practices.

What makes you a usability engineer? My personal belief is that it isn't 
(primarily) a matter of having special knowledge.

You become a usability software engineer when you see five average users 
utterly fail to accomplish the task you wanted them to be able to 

Programming is a hubristic enterprise, but for UI, these negative 
feelings are essential: watching ordinary users get angry and frustrated 
dealing with what you've created, even feeling a certain shame and 
embarassment that you got it so wrong. Only then do you see how large 
the conceptual gap is between you and the average user -- but you also 
usually come out of the experience with an immediate understanding of 
how to fix things.

So is there a way to have *everybody* who develops software for end 
users in our community have that experience? Maybe.

At the WMF, for these Usability Projects, we had to do formal studies 
with expert consultants, because these were grant-funded projects and we 
needed to present scientific data. Doing those studies is expensive and 

But as a developer, it was more valuable to do "hallway usability 
testing" in an informal way. There are lots of startups these days that 
try to deliver such lightweight user testing over the web; could we do 
the same? Or, possibly we don't even need software; maybe what we need 
is a tradition of doing this for everything we release.

So how about that? If there were an easy way to integrate usability 
testing into your process as a developer, would you be interested? And 
what should that look like?

Neil Kandalgaonkar (   <ne...@wikimedia.org>

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