2011/1/1 Krinkle <krinklem...@gmail.com>:
> Op 1 jan 2011, om 13:50 heeft Magnus Manske het volgende geschreven:
>> For the impatient, add
>> document.write('<script type="text/javascript"
>> src="http://toolserver.org/~magnus/wysiwtf/wysiwtf.js";><\/script>');
>> to your vector.js,
> Okay, I've switched to Firefox 4 Beta on Mac and it works there.
> One error I got though, when I click the WYSIWTF-tab it got stuck on
> "Parsing..." modal box.
> Console told me "images.query [undefined] is not an object".
> API call to 
> http://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=query&generator=images&titles=Sandbox&prop=info&imlimit=500&format=json
> returned an empty array (the Sandbox page didn't contain any images at
> the time).

Thanks, fixed now.

> Another (that you already mentioned partially) is that when I went
> into "WTF"-mode the image suddenly changed from MW.org's local image
> to ENWP's local "File:Example.jpg".
> Although I understand it doens't differentiate between local and
> commons, I think we should keep wiki-independance in mind from the
> start.
> ie. using wgVariables instead of 'en'.

Also fixed now, using wgContentLanguage and a different API query.

> Op 1 jan 2011, om 15:40 heeft Jan Paul Posma het volgende geschreven:
>>> What I would like is some discussion about
>>> * if this approach (working pseudo-WYSIWYG instead of unattainable
>>> perfect WYSIWYG) is the way to go
>>> * if the code I wrote would be a suitable basis for a system we can
>>> throw at the general public
>>> * if anyone is willing to help me with that
>>> As always, my code is GPL, and I would be more than happy if, in the
>>> end, it would become "official" Foundation code, with staff that
>>> supports it. Well, I can dream...
>> You seem to want to do exactly the same thing as I'm doing, but in
>> the browser only! Maybe you're interested in looking at 
>> http://janpaulposma.nl/sle/wiki
>> , http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:JanPaul123/Sentence-
>> level_editing, 
>> http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2010-October/050031.html
>>  and http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Sentence-level_editing
>> Anyway, I have also looked at doing parsing in the browser, which is
>> quite interesting. WikiBasha also uses JS parsing, so maybe it's a
>> good idea to look at that too. Trevor also made a JS parser, but I
>> think it's not in SVN (yet).
>> Regards,
>> Jan Paul
> Right now there are three or four projects in active development
> (including Magnus' WYSIWTF en Sentence-level editing).
> How about working together ?
> Compare what the current status of the different projects is, what are
> the ultimate goals, which are closest to it ?
> Then import from others to it to make one awesome thing.
> Personaly I also prefer the non-WYSIWYG editing style. In other words:
> Showing what things are but staying in (in)direct contact
> with wikitext.

I'm not sure what's happening to that usability initiative template
folder thingy, which looked way cooler than mine, but never made a
live appearance.

The sentence-level editing looked great last time I checked, but
requires server-side mods IIRC, and seems to be limited to smaller
fixes. Maybe I'm wrong there, though. Not sure if we could join code,
as we do different things on the content preparation level; maybe
decent editor code? I could use some ;-)

I can see my solution and the sentence-level editing happily
co-existing, though!


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