On 02/16/2011 04:48 PM, Ryan Lane wrote:
>> K>  Who cares about wether or not a bit of whitespace changed ?
>> My argument exactly.
>> Every couple weeks I do
>> $ svn diff -r BASE:HEAD RELEASE-NOTES
>> and if all looks safe, I then do
>> $ svn update
> You aren't running trunk in production, right? Right?

And what's wrong with that?

One of the nice things about the MediaWiki development process is that 
our trunk generally *is* usable.  Sure, every one in a while someone 
fails to test their code properly before committing and breaks 
something, but generally you can just report the regression on 
#mediawiki and it'll get fixed or reverted promptly.

Anyway, we really should encourage more people to run trunk.  It's the 
only efficient way to catch bugs before we put out a tarball.

Ilmari Karonen

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