I'd also like to thank you for these e-mails. They're a nice summary, and
way easier reading than BZ dependency lists. I'm focusing on the
installer right now, replies inline...

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Mark A. Hershberger
<mhershber...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> And now, the still-outstanding blocker bugs.  A couple of bugs have been
> added, but I think that overall we're making good progress.  First, the
> bugs related to the new installer that Tim mentioned last week.  Since
> the installer will be the first exposure many people have to 1.17 and
> the code is all new, I think these deserve special attention.

Tim's right, we *cannot* release 1.17 without a functional installer--and
it's far too late to roll back to the old installer. That being said, I think
"major parts missing" is a bit of an overstatement (barring the issues
below). Of course, there's still a handful of general installer bugs[0] other
than the ones you've mentioned. Fixes for these can probably be snuck
into 1.17 if someone is feeling so bold and the merge is clean.

>    12070 After Installation MySQL was blocked

Like you said, I'm on this one. There's a patch attached which just needs
a little more cleanup, but solves the underlying issue.

>    26481 New installer doesn't fill in the $*Key values some times

I *really really* don't like the "regenerate LocalSettings" option for
post-upgrade. It takes you back through all the normal setup questions
including ones you probably won't change (eg: site name). It also
doesn't load your current settings, which means you could easily make
a new LocalSettings that differs from your current install. Not to
mention, all of the text on those pages is phrased for an install, not an
upgrade which is mildly confusing. In the short term, I'd rather just
disable the feature entirely. If we did, it would solve this by making it
go away. Really, I'm not sure why I put the secret key generation as
an install step...probably just so I could bounce a Status back up if
we can't use /dev/urandom. Some refactoring would fix the mentioned
bug, but I think there's a bigger issue here I've outlined that merits

>    26612 Regression: Postgres cannot install

Whee postgres :) More below... Btw, Tim's comments on Postgres
are on this bug[1].

>    26937 Deleted file path not visible when going back to page=Options

There is an easy fix for this one. As pointed out on mediawiki.org[2],
configuring the deleted directory is a "power option" that most users don't
need to see. "$wgUploadPath/deleted" works for most people. If no one
has any arguments for keeping it in, it would be trivial to just remove it
entirely and fall back to defaults. Generally speaking, we seem to have
a few errors where the entered values are not saved....$wgSiteName
is another, but for completely unrelated reasons[3].

>    27579 Chrome saves config as LocalSettings.php.php

I haven't looked at this at all. Seems fairly trivial from the
summary though.

> Chad made some real progress on the Postgres installer (26612) and I said 
> that I
> would take care of the remaining issue in, but I haven't had a chance
> yet.

Let me just start by saying I hate our Postgres support :) We've made a
lot of progress in Postgres in the past few weeks, but I'm not a Postgres
user at all, so testing some of this stuff is new territory for me. I'd like to
get some other Postgres users (OverlordQ, Greg M.?) to try things out.
In my current trunk, I can get installs to work, but it starts to have issues
once you start changing defaults. Please keep in mind that we dropped
the back-compat stuff for tsearch2, so the minimum supported version
is 8.3 (I've been testing using 8.4).

I'm also adding bug 26481[4] as a blocker to release ($wgDBmwschema
is ignored on installation, always falls back to 'mediawiki'). This is broken
behavior, and has existed since the old installer. It's completely wrong
that you should specify a schema and then it fall back to a default
unconditionally (which results in a broken install and requires changing
$wgDBmwschema). I haven't poked *why* this is the case yet.

I'm also getting a really weird error that Mark has been unable to replicate
yet and I'm rather baffled by it. When creating tables, the installer is
creating all the tables in both the public AND mediawiki schemas. Now,
post install it actually uses the correct schema, but I'm not sure why
it's duplicating the tables in the public schema. I'd like to fix this if we
can, since it's making the install much slower (double table creation!). If
someone could track this down, that'd be great (it's not a show-stopper,
just annoying...)

As a general note, I'd like it if developers took the time over the next
couple of days to at least run the installer if they haven't already. More
eyes can't hurt. The UI could use another pass from one of our ninjas
(Brandon? Trevor?) to find/fix some of the more glaring issues that are
there...we can make it all pretty and ajaxy in 1.18 :) There's at least
two issues in BZ know of off the top of my head[5],[6].

If someone is looking to play with the installer and needs something
to look at, feel free to ping me on IRC when I'm around, I'm sure I
can find something :)

Have a great weekend, and happy hacking,


[0] http://is.gd/svqCXU
[1] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26612#c6
[2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/New-installer_issues#Non-critical
(below the sitename section)
[4] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22579
[5] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26689
[6] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26691

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